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"You're mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I'll tell you a secret, all the best people are."

- Alice In Wonderland

Noah Tacitus is a quiet, timid and all around sound minded boy. He doesn't mind the dull routine of living his life without risk or reward. But Life doesn't give Noah much of a choice when death begins to plaque his town of Huntsville Illinois. 

Everywhere the boy seems to go a trail of bodies soon follows. This lands him at the center of a crime investigation and the chance to put an end to the murderer's gruesome plans. That's what a hero would do, stop the killer. But Noah is no hero. Frightened of his own shadow, he is far from it.So when clues begin to surface in odd places, demanding Noah's attention and questioning his very sanity, it becomes clear someone wants the spree to end in a terrible way. And Noah can no longer ignore the nightmares that plague his dreams at night. 

He has to make a choice. Take action or attempt to dodge the inevitable. For if he can't be a hero, surely he could find someone willing to wear the cape.But Noah is unaware of the fact that it will take a lot more than a noble hero to defeat the villain with no motive and no face of his own. Especially if the true enemy is his own sanity. 

Author's Notes

Considering I have wrote a decent amount of fan fiction during my time on this site, I decided to give one of my ideas for an original another go. With such support from you guys with my other work, I really appreciate the encouragement you give me to continue writing. Once I can get other work updated and school under control you can expect this story to kick off. Please, I welcome your comments and feedback, so don't be shy. Thanks for everything.

Check out the book trailer above. It was made by the lovely chemicales

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