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Nialls p.o.v

Its 4:00am and She fell asleep on me she looks so cute when shes sleeping tonight was amazing it was better than words my thoughts were interrupted when dianas phone rang i didn't answer cause i didint want to invaded her privacy i didint want her to find out i looked threw her stuff and ruin this for us so i let it ring and it went to  a vocie messege "hey  diana this is jake cant wait to see u back from Florida i miss you a lot and i have a huge suprise for u when  u get back  i love you and i miss you bye honey" my heart is broken i cant believe she has someone and Florida SHES NOT NOT IN FLORIDA SHES IN LONDEN!! i wanna be mad at her i wanna wake her up and confront her about it but i cant bring myself to do it i love her too much and maybe im just jumping into conclusions its probably her cousin or brother yeah there is no way she would lie to me i love her and i think she loves me ill just ask her in the morning so i cuddle with her and happily fall asleep

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