Chapter 7

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She pulls me anxiously into the ladies bathroom before they can get to us and locks the door, her face is shrouded with panic. "ok, I have a lot of explaining to do." she says.
"My name is Camila Anderson and well, I may not be who i seem to be..." She pulls off her hair - now revealed as a wig - and beautiful brunette curly locks fall down to her shoulders, she has fairly short hair with amber highlights at the tips.

" I am actually sixteen." She pulls off her expensive looking white fur jacket to reveal a plain black - regular looking - top and takes off her high platforms. " that man with the gold tooth is a dangerous drug dealer and I think he was in the middle of making a deal. that police officer was my father and...well.. I snuck out to observe the dealer after my father said 'no' when i asked him if i could help with his investigation."

"Umm....hello?" she asks, I realize i was frozen this whole time shocked. " also sixteen, I know I look older but...yeah." I say.

Bang bang bang!
The knocking on the door sounds like the kind I heard this morning, only now it could possibly be a murderer.
"Shit," I say. "you think they could kill us?" Camila just shrugs.

"Take off your jacket." she says.
" What? why the hell should I-"
"Just trust me."
I have absolutely no reason to trust this girl whatsoever but something urges me to, so I quickly tug off my 'Team super' superwoman fan jacket to reveal a short sleeved red 'Ferrari' shirt.

Camila moves slowly to the door and carefully unlocks it but the men on the other side are not aware the she did so. "whats your plan?" I ask. she picks up our jackets and the wig and tosses it out the window then says, " we wore different clothes- and for me, different hair- when we entered so if we're lucky they wont think its us because we look different now."
"IF." I say, emphasizing what she said.

The men finally push the door open just as Camila pulls me into a stall and places her index finger on her lip, signaling that i should be quiet.

Footsteps near our stall passing other empty ones as we wait fearfully at the last one. We can only look into each others eyes and hope they don't push our stalls door open - the locks on all of the stalls are broken so bolting the door isn't an option.

Her blue eyes shine in the light. gosh, she's so beautiful. wait, what am I thinking, I might die and this is what im thinking of.

They're one stall away now. " what if they recognize our faces?" I ask under my breath. she sighs silently. and just as they pass by our stall, I think I'm done for.

Suddenly, she leans in and presses her lips on mine.

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