Just another day or so i thought...

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*beep* *beep* *beep*
As my alarm rang i carefully got up and reached around for the brail on my table that read
I followed the dots up the wall of my bed side tabled and pressed the button that shut off my annoying alarm.
"Mom,Dad im up!" I shouted

"Coming sweetie." Dad shouted as i heard his feet loudly slap the floor.

-creeeek- the door sounded extra loud today even though im blind i feel like i can see exactly where he's stepping. Dad grabbed my arm and helped me up off my bed and helped me put on my clothes. I reached around to find my walking stick.

"Got it!" I whispered in achievement to myself.

"Dad!" I shouted "im ready to eat my food"

"Coming sweetie!" Dad walked around my room and grabbed my hand to help me twords the steps.

Jeez did the stairs always creek like this? Nevermind...

"Hey honey.." Mom came up and rubbed my back, " how are you feeling today?"

"Oh mom, same as usual" i said joyfully.

"Thats good." Mom said with enthusiasm "here i made cereal for you, your favorite, frooty tooty loops!"

" oh thank you!" I couldn't bare to tell her i got tired of that cereal a long time ago, i still think i have but maybe she forgot.

-shhhh- i jumped,startled.
"Hey anna your bus is here!" Dad said

"Ok dad, can you grab my backpack and my walking stick for me?

"Of course i will anna banana!" Dad sounded extra happy today,but for what reason?

As dad helped me onto the school bus and into my normal seat i felt uneasy about today, im not as nervous as i am today.

"Hey dad!" I whispered

"Yeah anna?" He shouted confused

"Can you drive me to school today? I feel kinda weird right now." I was shaky

"Oh sorry hun, i have to be at the office really early today so i cant, but maybe tomorrow, okay?" Dad felt sorry, i could tell.

"Ugh,fiiiine" i dragged my voice.

"Byebye sweetie" dad kissed my forehead "i love you"

"Love you too dad" i said lowley, i didn't want to be embarrassed by some of the other kids.

As the bus pulled off i still felt uneasy, im usually not scared at all when im on the bus. But i eventually started to feel even worse and i couldn't help it anymore, i threw up in the middle of the isle.

"Ahhhh!" A kid shrieked "ewww" a kid said in disgust.

-Bang- i hit my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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