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Hello everyone! Jia is here. I'm sorry for not updating the current ForthBeam fanfiction. I know you've been waiting for too long. I'm writing this because I want to inform you guys that I will unpublish the forthbeam fanfic. Not only Love Notes but also MTFJ. I'm really sorry guys. The reason I have to unpublished them because.. These pass few weeks, I have keep trying to log into my wattpad account for many times. I don't know why, but seriously everytime I wanted to open the app I have to log in again and again coz it was already logged out (which I didn't). I ended up making new passwords. Doing the same thing so many times makes me upsets. Fortunately, I saw nothing's weird on my acc yet for now. I asked some of my friends the reason why it happened, and they said it was hacker. I'm not really sure but still i'm afraid of it. So I need to unpublish or even delete the stories first and try to fix the problems. I'm sorry once again. I might be inactive or hiatus for a long time and I hope you guys can wait for my comeback. Thanks for your support all this time. I promise when I come back, I'll continue writing the story. Thank you once again.

Love, Jia Choi❤

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