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Cody: Sky, you need to sleep

Skyrocket: * is in holoform and drinking a can of beer*

Skyrocket: *fixing a shotgun and loaded it*

Skyrocket: Hm?

Cody: Time to sleep

Skyrocket: *looks at the clock seeing it was 10 PM*

Skyrocket: Nope

Graham: Sky, when was the last time you slept?

Skyrocket: Last week

Graham: At least your sleeping schedule gotten better

Cody: please?

Skyrocket: No

Cody: Then I shall bring dad down


*phone rings*

Skyrocket: *answers phone* Hola?

Knightclash: Go to sleep or I'm getting over there myself from my meeting

*call ends*


Skyrocket: Well fu- fine then

Cody: *giggles*

Skyrocket: I'm off to damn bed

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