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The day after our parents disappeared we were only 9 years old at the time and our Nanny informed us that our parents aren't coming back so after that we decided to just move on and be strong because I know that's what mom and dad would want anyways years passed and one day when I was going in Alison's room I found a spell book under her bed at the time I was very shocked because magic and spells are forbidden in our kingdom and that's when Alison walked in......

Alison:What are you doing In my room?!?!

Don't ever touch my stuff


Ok! Ok! You don't have to be so mean about it

Alison:Yea I wouldn't have to if you would just stay out my room

Adrianne:why do you have that spell book anyway. You know magic is forbidden

Alison:Yeah I know..... if I tell you why I have it can you keep it a secret?

Adrianne:Yeah sure

Alison:You promise

Adrianne:Yes! Now just tell me!

Alison: ok i think I might have a way to know what those witch's did to our parents

Adrianne: Wow really? I always thought they were dead

Alison:Yep that's what everyone wants up to think

Adrianne:What do you mean

(Grabs spell book)

Alison:With this spell we can look through their eyes from the night they disappeared and see what really happened

Adrianne:Well ok but what if it doesn't work?

Alison:oh trust me it'll work.... it better work

Alison:Now chant with me that's how it will work better

Alison and Adrianne:"to the spell that binds us together as one lets our parents eyes be seen"

Alison: As we both open our eyes we could see everything that happened that night and I was everything I thought it would be our parents were kidnapped by the witch's and taken to their castle and they have been trying to escape ever since

Adrianne:Omg we have to go find them

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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