Chapter 16

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When she suddenly nearly felt down backwards. Why? , because suddenly Vilu jumped on her back wich nearly causes bkth to fall. 'Angie Wait' she screamed ' only if you let go of my' Angie said nearly breaking down. 'Viluuuu!' She screamd then they both fell on the floor. Then they heard someone coming up the stairs. One second later German bursts into the Room 'What happened? Are you okay?!' 

'Yh, yh everything is alright I just jumped on Angies back and she felt down with me cause I was to heavy' ' Violetta! How many Times should I tell you that you can only jump on my back cause I'm your dad so I don't mind and cause I can carry you and the others can't or at least your coild ask them' ' Okay Papa I got it. So Angie am I allowed to jump on your back if I want?' 'No Sorry Vilu but like you just saw you are to heavy for me, I mean not like you are fat but you are 15 and I'm not strong enough to carry you' 'It's okay'

Then German left.

'So you are my aunt , why didn't Papa ever talked about you?'

'1. I have to tell your something that might will hurt you.'

'Go on'

'German isn't your dad'

'WHAT!? Who else if my dad then?'

' My sisters ex-boyfriend Joachim, he was her boyfriend until she died but then he was never seen again and one day I woke up and the last thing I saw was a goodbye letter from German' Angie said now half crying.

' german never had something with my sister they were only together for publicity' and then Angie told her the whole story icl. Her own sad story....

Sry for not updating so long I had kinda Family problems but now it's okay. Tomorrow I will go back to Vienna and I don't if I have Wi-Fi then so yh but I'll update soon.


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