Chapter 3 ~The two old geezers~

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                                                                         Chapter 3

                                                                ~The two old geezers~

    We ran though the so called door, barley avoiding Data Core 3, 6, and 8. It’s not as though the door closed on them. No, it’s more like they came to a forced halt. Whatever This world was they couldn’t enter it. We were safe, for the moment. This world didn’t feel right. I looked around and saw only cliffs and mountains. From the looks of it there wasn’t a bottom, and from they way things have been it wouldn’t suspire me. I spotted what looked like a small house with its lights on. “Guys over there” I said, but I got no response. I turned to see why and I wish I never had. What I saw was indescribable.

    Like a cloud of darkness with no form, yet you could tell it wasn’t good, like death with a worldly form. “What the is that?” asked Sheen “I don’t know, but this war doesn't seem to favor us” I answered. It began to hurray towards us. Beginning to take shape of what looked like a claw. Frozen with fear I stood there, knowing I should move but unable to. “LOOK OUT YA YOUNGSTERS” came a loud and out of place voice. Then out of nowhere a man just went and hit the ground.

    We all stared, dumbfounded, by what had just happened. It was an old man. About our hight, long gray hair, and for some reason some a bandana on his head that covered his eyes. He now looked dead. “Is he okay?” asked Paul. Then the old man got up with a spring “HA, HA! Never been better kid. Now you young ones better run towards that house over there at the other side. Don’t worry, I’ll hold off Alan. i’ve been doing it for years” “Um, okay but” I started “NOW KIDS GO!” He yelled. We decided to do what we were told and ran off towards the house. It would be a long way till we reached it. Would he really be okay? No time to think about it now.

    “How long do you think this house is?” I asked “Don’t know, but we need to hurray” Mike answered. I could see the path to the house. The cliff curved all the way around to that area. We ran as fast as I could. I looked back and saw the old man fighting with the thing. Slowly moving backwards, he couldn’t better it but he could hold it off. He had some weird kind of weapon. A long silver pole with golden balls at the end of each side. I laughed for a second then realized how stupid I just was. I turned and ran.

    The path was strangely clear. Nothing as attacking us and nothing us moving around or falling apart. Then when we were about 3/4’s way there the old man came running past us only slightly faster “RUN, LITTLE BOYS, RUN! IT’S GANIN AND I NEED A NAP!” he then hurried ahead of us. I looked back and saw the thing quickly catching up. I ran as fast as I could along with every one else. The old man was at the door. “Hurry, Hurry. We safe in here Alan can’t come inside things of the other world” he said. Again with say Alan. Did he reefer to the thing behind us? We all dived in and he slammed the door. There was a bang then a loud growl then silence.

    We all stood up. “Thanks” I said “Yeah, but you didn’t have to let it get so close to us” Right when Paul finished a wrench came flying and hit him knocking him over “carfcha” was some nose he made when it hit him. Another man came walking into the room. “So these are the ones who made it to dead-mans pass” His voice was a lot different. Quieter and slower and a drag on the last letter of each word as apposed to the fast talking loud one “you should respect your elders sonny. If it wasn’t for us you wouldn’t even have had made it this far” “You mean if it wasn’t for him” Paul said standing up and got hit by another wrench.

    “Paul I think you should stop talking back” I said. “Your friends right sonny-boy. Unless you wanna get hit again” He said as he pulled out another wrench from god knows were. “I’m Mike. Mike Anko, and may I ask your name” Mike politely asked. “Ahhhh, I like this one” Said the quieter old man. “Indeed. My names Sanction, and this is David. Were brothers and we live here in dead-mans pass” Said the loud one named Sanction. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you” Mike said with a bow. This is just getting weirder and weirder I thought. “Now that you know US. You must tell us who you all are” David said “I’m Paul” “Katie” “I’m Patty and this is Sarah and that’s Sam” “And I’m crystal”

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