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There is a point in life where you feel like you ain't getting what you wanted, or when you sure that the dreams you had, won't achieve and succeed.

Jin was sure that he won't achieve his dreams of having pups ever since he presented. The feeling of giving kisses and making dinner in a nice house, and a alpha who won't treat him like dirt.

But alas, such envisions can't come true.

The past 2 boyfriends Jin had made him expect like he ain't a good omega, a worthless omega, just someone to warm a bed, they both said, not for raising pups or to be loved.

Jin left them after each one has made him hurt to the point of suffocating in dark thoughts, but he trudged through, thinking of dreams.

He feels insecure about his not "normal" image of a typical omega. He's tall, broad shoulders, bigger than regular omegas, and a plain strawberry scent that none of his partners liked.

Jin works at a small bar, hidden in an alley in downtown Seoul. He apply for the job after many rejections because of his wolf status. Majority of the population in the work force consists of Alphas and Betas, not many omegas are seen working. Many of the omegas live at home or work in domestic places like daycares or schools. Some enlist in hospitals as nurses, since they radiate such calm and sweet aroma that calm down patients.

Jin applies to the job just so he can be close to home and his nest. And the bar place hired him because an omega will definitely boost business.

But as days passed, Jin feels like a stone in a river, never moving, just staying there in place.


"Hello" a man with a tired voice said.
"Jin, I'll need you to pick up Ruby's shift tonight. Unfortunately, she got the flu and can't come in. Originally, she was supposed to close tonight with Ele and Ele has been informed of this situation. Can you please come in?"

Jin sigh away from the phone(and his boss), looking over the scene in front of him. A bowl of hot ramen, a piece of cake, along with soju, all placed in a decorative manner like a Instagram post. TV screen playing a drama he's been waiting to watch for days. Along with him surrounded by blankets and wearing his softest clothes, a sweater with shorts and high fluffy knee socks.

'Should I go or should I stay' Jin debating in his head. 

'I can earn more tonight however and I can defiantly go back to see who's gonna be my favorite character' Jin decided as he put the phone back to his ear.

"Yeah I can come in. Just give me 30 minutes to get ready and I'll be there"

"Great! Also it's a Tuesday so we aren't expecting a huge crowd tonight. Couple of customers and hey who knows, you and Ele can close up early."

"Oh okay. Well Imma hang up now. Tell Ele to leave the side door open. Good-bye."



Jin looks around his place, and at himself.

"We'll schedule this on a later date ok couch."



Jin barely set his stuff down before a blur and a something heavy just wrapped their arms around him and squeezed him like a lemon.


Ele is a beta, but she is tough as nails. She can control a group of rowdy alphas and charm a omega pants off. She ain't one to be played with and no time for bullshit. She acts as Jin elder sister, pampering him and protecting him from drunk and obnoxious alphas.

"Noona-let-me-breathe." gasped Jin, trying to get oxygen in his lungs, like a fish out of water.

"Never!" declared Ele, as she keep on holding him like he's gonna vanish like the superheroes in Endgame.

"I'll ask to switch shift for 2 weeks if you don't let me go" challenged Jin.


She let go and Jin was able to check in and lock his locker behind him.

"I was worried about you coming in." Ele replied as she watched him do his stuff to get ready for a 5 hour shift.

"Ruby was just working last night and collapse on her way home. Luckily her neighbors was walking their dog and got her inside and situated. She said she just sick but I think is the flu. I wiped the whole placed with soap and water with TK, but I am worried you'll get sick by coming here."

Jin as a omega usually get sick easily. Which makes the goverment be lenient with omegas when they have their heats and sick days by giving them supplies and medicine for free. Because in the past many omegas died without the proper care in their immune system.

"I'll be ok Noona. I got my flu shot 3 months ago so I shouldn't get sick." Jin said while existing the employee's room to the bar.

"And your heat shot?" replied Ele as she jumped over the bar and started to wipe where her shoes was.

"I can't take my heat and flu shot together so I have to wait for another 3 months to get it. And Ele?"


"Can you helped me with my heat around maybe next week" whispered Jin as he cut some lime to be ready in case if ordered.

" Yeah sure but don't you know when is your heat gonna arrived" Ele whispered back, looking at the door in case someone was gonna walk in.

"Because of the flu shot, my body hasn't been on its regular heat schedule and I think it's because I skipped the shot once just for a heat one. But hopefully it's gonna be around next week" Jin replied, red with embarrassment on asking his friend to help him and not knowing when is he's gonna be delirium for a alpha's knot. He don't want to be in a store and all the sudden moaned like a anime girl.

A customer just walked in at perfect timing to end the discussion and asking for a bottle of jack.

" Well just tell me when and I'll be there for you"

"Thank you Noona"

😁😁😁Hi yall sorry I haven't been active. I've been gone for months and just dropped a random story on your lap. I will also continue with the Mafia's Heir, don't worry, but this story has been written before the Mafias Heir. Leave reviews and tell me any errors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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