Shipped at Sea

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I walked back to my table with a huge grin on my face. I could feel my cheeks blushing. As I turn the corner to get to our table Em is sitting there with a huge plate of sushi and she is laughing so hard. I forgot that there was still rice all over me. I sit down at our table and I just looked at her waiting for her to stop laughing.
"So what did you do to deserve rice in your hair?" She said laughing hysterically.
"I got a date, that's what I deserved"
She stopped laughing and just sat there with her mouth open
"A guy asked you out? You actually talked to a guy?"
"More like run in to"
Em looked at me confused
"The reason I have rice in my hair is because the guy who asked me out ran in to me and got sushi all over me"
"Wait so is this a pitty date or imaginary person"
I walked up and left the table so angry at Em. I can't believe she would say something like that to me. Was she just jealous of me because I have a date? Who knows but whatever she has to say I don't want to hear it. I look down at my phone to see what time it was. It was 5' 0 clock. I have two hours before I have to meet nick at seven, and I still have to take a shower, do my hair and makeup, find a cute out fit. Ugh. I don't think I have enough time.
I run back to my room that I'm supposed to be sharing with Em and Rebecca.
I explore the room with what little time I had. It was a decent cruise line room I had a great view of the ocean. there was two queen beds with a wood backboard, and a connecting door that connects to our parents rooms. the bathroom had two sinks a a shower no tub. It was placed at the front of the room like hotels usually have there rooms.
I quickly return to the bed with my luggage laying on top. I grab my pretty black floral dress and my booties. then I rush bak in to the bathroom to take a shower and blow dry my hair. It always feels good to be clean and fresh. I get dressed and apply my makeup. Usually I only put on foundation, concealer and mascara but I decided to wear blush and eyeshadow to. I put on my booties grab my wallet, room key and phone and head up to the deck. I have two minutes to get to the Travina. I finally reach the restaurant at 7 sharp and walk inside to see if he was there but there was no Nick.

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