Haikyuu Oc

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Name: Yukki Sugiyama
Height: 5'11"
Age(in high school): 16

Get to know the character:

She was/is one of the managers of the Karasuno Volleyball club. Her skin is porcelain white and she has pale blonde hair. Her eyes are a piercing light green. She loves the color of pale pink, she says it brings out her eyes. Although the boys think she looks good in anything. In university, her band got more attraction and they were offered a record deal. She also modeled part-time for Asahi. Growing up, her family was seen as the "picture perfect family."

She knows Bokuto because he did a number buddy test and it ended up being her number. They met at a volleyball match against his and her schools. They kept in touch and are pretty good friends now.

Asahi is a childhood friend. They've known each other since they were toddlers. Yukki is like a protector for Asahi. If someone insults him or tries to bully him she's right by his side scaring them off. Asahi has been there for Yukki through thick and thin. He was there when her parents were getting their divorce. He was there through her v e r y tough break up. He's been there through almost everything.

Yachi somewhat looks up to Yukki like she does Kyoko. Yukki somewhat intimidates the poor girl but she befriended Yachi. Yachi and Yukki do little spa days with each other every weekend, they even invite Kyoko over sometimes.

Yukki has a brother that is 5 yrs older. His name is Kenji. Him, Yukki, and two others are in a band together. They are called The Misfits. They're an alt/punk group that do shows in local pubs and underground parties. Yukki is lead singer, Kenji is drums, Alisha is base guitar, and Arsynne is lead guitar. Sugawara is literally their biggest supporter. The whole Karasuno team thinks it's so cool that one of their managers is in a band, even Tsukki thinks it's cool.

t r a u m a

Her home life wasn't the best. Her mom and dad always fought. When she got home they were always arguing about something; bills, their relationship, her. But it was always something. She usually just went straight to her room and listened to music. On particularly more "rowdy" days, her father would get physical with her and her mother. It wouldn't be anything too rough. Maybe a slap to the face, some bruises on their wrists from her father squeezing too tightly. Nothing some makeup and long sleeves couldn't cover.

Once when it was getting too dangerous for her mother to handle on her own, Yukki decided to intervene. Her father, without realizing it, hit Yukki square in the eye, causing her to have a black eye. This didn't stop him, though. He turned his attention to Yukki and he beat her up pretty bad. She had a black eye, a few cuts on her cheek, and bruised up ribs. He then grabbed Mrs. Takahashi and hit her as well, causing a bloody bruise to swell immediately on her cheek bone. While all this was going down, Yukki was on the floor huddled in a ball, not daring to move.

After her father had his way he grabbed his keys and drove off to who knows where. Her mom rushed to her side and held Yukki in her chest, promising to do something about the abuse they endure.

After this event, (now) Ms. Sugiyama divorced Mr. Takahashi and he was sentenced 10 years in prison for abuse. Yukki and her mom moved out of their old home and into a pretty big ass house. Her mom remarried a woman named Elise. (Yukki didn't change schools) Yukki still felt like she had to go somewhere to feel safe, so she moved into her brother's house.(which was closer to Asahi's house)

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