Chapter Seven

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Short Chapter Ahead

Chapter Seven


[15 Minutes Later]

Taehyung woke up after Jungkook.

''Aish~ headache happens everytime i wake up...'' Taehyung said to himself. he walked down the halls and smelled  a good smell..."Mmm what is that? i hope it's food because i'm hungry as fuck'' he followed the smell and saw Jungkook cooking ramyeons. 

"Jungkook? You can cook ramyeons?'' he asked ''eh *chuckles* not really i just followed the instructions at the packet" Jungkook said "Do you want more chicken strips or beef?" He added, but Taehyung didn't say anything.

Jk: Hey Taehyung!

Tae: A-ah, sorry i was...stalling...

Jk: About what..??

Tae: N-Nothing! Non of your business!

Jk: oooh~

Tae: *blush* shut up! I don't stall/think about dirty stuffs!

Jk: let's see about that *smirks*

After eating they want to watch a movie but netflix is not responding ugh! So Jungkook took Taehyung home. ''It's cold out here, why you're not wearing any jacket?" Jungkook said "I-I D-Don't K-Know'' Taehyung is shredding in coldness, so Jungkook took of his jacket and put it on Tehyung "Thank you Jungkook:)) btw because of you, i aint virgin anymore😒..." Taehyung said unexpectedly "Sorry about that, but don't pretend that you didn't like it TaeTae *smirks*" Jungkook said proudly

"I May Be your boss, But I will never treat you as an assistant... because..

You know, umm I Like You♡"

Jungkook Said Heart Warmingly.

Tae: You know Jungkook I know that you're not really straight *chuckled*

Jungkook suddenly stop and starred at Taehyung

Jk: I know it's weird Taehyung, You didnt remember me, The Taehyung that i knew changed...

Taehyung got really confused..

To be continued...

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