Chapter 3 [The Investigation]

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3rd Person

The police had arrived a small while after the whole accident, their sirens ringing in just about everyone's ears. The donut cop got out of the car, walking over to Ms Simian, who looked horrified. " So, Madam, if you don't mind me asking, what would be the problem? " He asked here, Ms Simian slapped in the head. " Are you blind!? Look around and see for yourself! "

The cop looked around to see the rock-like-cloud that had crushed the school, the bus, and almost some kids. " Oh Gosh, how did anything like this happen? " Donut cop asked to himself. " Well, I suggest that the kids should go home and stay home until we have the situation undercover. " He suggested, the kids agreed. " But, how will we get home? I mean, the lot of us who go by bus? " Alan asked through the chattering of children.

" Oh, right! Alright, anyone who need to call their parents, come to me and I'll make sure to call them. " The donut cop said, his straight face becoming a frown as he sighed, seeing the bunch of children that were in need of calling their parents.

Willow's POV

I looked at the cop with the bunch of children surround him. ' Thank goodness I'm still a kid. ' I thought. It seemed tiring to be an adult. After a mere minute Reik, my brother stopped by. " Well, looks like I've missed quite a lot. " He said, rolling the window down as he saw the wrecks school. I was just about to get into the car before I felt someone tug on my arm, I turned to see it was Rob.

I looked at him, in a glare that said ' What are you doing. ' He smiled awkwardly. " Uh..Hey, Willow? Is it okay if I spend the night at your house..? Since gumball now uses the basement I used to live in and Amazgiz isn't really in the state of company at her're the only other person I know.. " I looked at him, pitying him, I mean, the dude didn't have a home! " Reik! We have another person tagging along. " Reik shrugged, I could see Rob being so happy, hearing as he whispered 'Yes' to himself. I sat down with Rob coming in.

We sat there awkwardly in silence until something crashed right in front of the car, Reik braked so suddenly that I just slammed my face against the seat in front of me. " Ow! " " Are you okay?! " Rob asked, seeing as I was slightly bleeding. " I'm fine, just a small bruise that is. " Reik stepped out of the car, after a few minutes I followed along out of curiousity, I gasped to see who had been there. " Free Form?! " Me and Reik said at the same time, not believing our eyes. You might not know, but Free Form is a brave and Powerful hero around there Parts!

 You might not know, but Free Form is a brave and Powerful hero around there Parts!

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Free form got up, dusting herself off. " Oh..Heh, hey there! Not in the Time for Autographs, Sorry! " Free form jumped up towards the other building.

" This day only get's weirder and weirder! " I Said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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