the truth part 2

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Atsumus pov

To say I was shocked was an understatement I was horrified and furious no one should have to go threw that!
I pull tobio closer and hug him tighter he begins to cry again and I run circles into his back softly to calm him, he stop crying and I give him a kiss on the forehead he has suffered so much yet he still stays strong.

I'm sorry you had to go threw that tobio I say softly it wasn't Your fault atsumu I am just really insecure and sensitive about it he says then continues, atsumu I think I might have really worried everyone in the chat but right now I don't really want to tell them so can you do it?

He asks I nod ok and pull out my phone once I open the chat I hear soft snores and look down to see tobio sleeping in my arms, he must be tired from all that crying so I carefully pick him up and move him into his bed I turn to leave and let him sleep but he grabs my shirt stay please he says sleepily.
ok I say and get in bed with him he cuddles into me and I place the blanket in top of us

I grab my phone and reopen the group chat to see tons of unread messages and about 20 miss calls

Pretty setters squad

Tobios: hi guys

Mamacrow: is every thing ok?!!? What's wrong with kageyama?!

Tobios: calm down everything's fine I just got to Tobios house about half an hour ago and he told me everything

Salt: well what happened?

Semi: ya is he ok?

Akaashi: what happened?

Tobios: I will explain everything ok

Tobios: after I got to Tobios house and he told me what happened he asked me to tell you guys since he didn't want you to worry after that he fell asleep he was crying for over and hour

Kenma: 0.0 so tell us what happened

After explaining cause I am a lazy mother fucker =_=

Mamacrow: oh my god

Salt: holy shit

Semi: oh my god.

Akaashi: .........I have no words

Kenma: 😨

Tobios: ya also where is oikawa? He hasn't said one thing the entire time

Mamacrow: scroll up

Tobios: 0-0 yup that's miwa

Salt: i didn't even know kageyama had a sister

Semi: me neither I thought he was an only child

Kenma: same

Mamacrow: I knew cause one day she came to kurasuno to pick kageyama up for something and when we asked who she was and she said she was kageyamas sister we were all shocked out of our knee pads

Flash back to make this chapter longer

It was the middle of practice and kageyama was setting for receive practice when all of a sudden there was a knock at the big gym doors

Everyone stoped what the were doing to see who was there and to their surprise there was a fairly pretty girl leaning on the door fram she had black  hair that was put in a braid that went over her shoulder and dark brown eyes she was holding a small purse and was wearing a white top and a dark blue skirt that went to her knees with a small pair of black heels tanaka and noya went crazy and started flirting with her this made kageyama angry not because she was his girlfriend he was gay as hell, but because that was his sister they were flirting with who was also four years older then them. plus kageyama is very protective of his sister he wanted to keep her safe at all costs seeing as she was all he had Then the girl began to speak

Uhm sorry to interrupt your practice I just came to get tobio

Everyone was shocked kageyama had some sort of relationship with a girl?! A pretty one no less

You have a girlfriend kageyama?! Why didn't you tell us?! Nishinoya shouted

She's not my girlfriend noya senpai
Kageyama said
Ya I'm his sister the girl cut in and everyone was shocked you have a sister?! Yes I do and I don't appreciate you flirting with her kageyama said a bit angry

You need to stop being so protective tobio that's my job kageyamas sister said also you to what are your names? She asked nishinoya and tanaka

I am tanaka and this is nishinoya tanaka said and she gave them a sweet smile before saying nice to meet you now I'm would appreciate if you Didn't flirt with me

One because I'm four years older then you
And two because I have a boyfriend

Everyone was shocked yet again how could someone so sweet and caring be related to kageyama?

Are you sure that's your sister king she seems to nice to be related to you said tsukkishima. Making kageyama visibly her angry And that's when all hell broke loose

Excuse me but who are you kageyamas sister said in a scary sweet tone
I am tsukkishima kei tsukki said

and you and tobio are teammates? She asked and tsukkishima nodded

she then stepped forward so she was in front of tsukkishima well then you must know that he doesn't like to be called king so if you could kindly stop calling him that then we won't have any problems she said in that same scary sweet tone making tsukki flinch but then kageyama stepped in and pulled her away come on miwa San we are gonna be late he said and she turned to face him alright she said but then turned back to tsukkishima, remember what I said and if I ever hear that you are making tobio upset I will personally come and beat you to a pulp got it kid she said with a scary smile on her face almost identical to kageyamas.

everyone in the room froze as she and kageyama walked out of the gym.

The very next day everyone was bombarding kageyama with questions and after that we never saw her come to kurasuno again

(not because she was banned but because kageyama wouldn't let her)

End of flash back

Tobios: wow I knew she was scary but holy shit

Mamacrow: that was the day we all learned not to mess with the kageyamas

Akaashi: wait doesn't tsukkishima still call kageyama king?

Mamacrow: he does but since my bb crow is such a sweet cinnamon roll he ignores it and makes sure his sister doesn't beat up tsukkishima

Kenma: well ok then

A/N that's the end cause I didn't know how to end it so there Ya go

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