𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5- 𝓞𝓱 𝔀𝓸𝔀...

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J: You didn't do it..or did you?

I stayed there quiet

J: Im guessing you did let me have a small talk with Payton okay??

𝓔𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓹

B: No-

Before i could say that he left the room

I heard some yelling but I was too dizzy

Then I saw Payton come in the room and he

HE HUGGED ME what the actual f-

Payton: Let's clean you up

He picks me up and brings me to the living room and brought a small kit with himself

B: W-what is in the bag?

P: Don't worry

Then he takes out Rubbing Alcohol and puts it on a cotton pad

P: It's gonna hurt

He rolls up my sleeve and looks at me then looks down my wrist and touches the cuts with the cotton pad

I was about to scream but Payton covered my mouth with his hand

P: Shhh it's gonna be okay

He cleans them and puts on bandages

B: T-thanks

He didn't say anything

B: Okay i guess

I went to my room and after few minutes Payton yelled my name


I came downstairs 

B: So?

P: The food is ready

B: I am not hungry

P: You are not gonna starve yourself I know this shit Billie

B: I am just not hungry


B: No

Everyone looked shocked

He then picked me up and placed me on the chair then grabbed my hands putted a fork in my one hand and made me eat

B: Fuck you I mumbled

P: You wish He smirked and whispered into my ear

That sent me shivers down my spine

I ate and when i was about to go to my ''room'' Payton standed infront of me

B: What do you want?

P: No one gives me attitude

B: I dont give a fuck Moormeier you put me trough this shit

P: How you become not scared of me?

B: Because you cant even kill me

P: I could if i want to

B: No Moormeier you wouldn't dare and you know w-


B: I was about to and also could i get my phone back i need that shit

P: No

B: Yes

P: No

B: Yes


B: No

P: Yes


B: HAH now give it

He gives me it

P: Dont u dare call the police

B: I actually like it here no school so why would i

P: Ugh just go

I went upstairs and i was HELLA scared i watched some tiktoks and went to bed

The next morning

I woke up to someone Playing with my hair it was Payton

P: You're finally awake

B: Yes and?

P: We are going to Chick-fil-a so i wondered if u want to go

B: No thanks

P: Thats wasn't a question no get tf up and get ready

B: Okay but like can u get out?

P: I can stay here its my house

B: Whatever

I went to my closet and picked out and outfit

I went to my closet and picked out and outfit

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Then i showered and did my mini routine

And my hair looked like this

I went downstairs and we all went to the car Payton sat me in the shotgun

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I went downstairs and we all went to the car Payton sat me in the shotgun

P: Lets goo

Ev: Yessir

B: Payt can we go to 7-11?


Kidnapped by Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now