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Niall's P.O.V-

I can't do it! I can't sleep the night away pretending everything's fine! cause it's not at all okay! I lost the four most Important people to me in the world. It's been five years since we were all together. since we were all happy. I know they're happy without me...but I'm barely breathing without them! five years of suffocating I'm like a damn widow! I miss them so much. you'd ask why aren't I'm doing anything about it but what am I supposed to say? 'hey guys I know you all are having the time of your life with your solo career and that some of you are barely on speaking terms but can you drop your new life so we can hangout sometimes?' now you get the point don't you? anyway as I was saying, I'm in the living room sipping some beer and reading. I'm in boxers only cause It's warm and the bloody air con is broken. the moon is beautiful so I find myself staring at it. but it's weird, I can fell the moonlight flowing through my veins and lighting my heart. whoa I really do need sleep. well these late hours are when I usually get these thoughts, about how much i miss the boys

I miss harry, I remember at start the curly haired dork he was. he still is now he's also a fashion icon, an actor, and out of the closet. proud of him honestly. I remember whenever I was bored and the others couldn't put up with my hyperactivity he'd play with me tag your it until I was tired. we had so much fun together, like that one time we painted Liam's entire face with mustard when he was asleep. he comforted me when I missed my mum while on tour. he was truly a human rainbow. and no, not because his sexual orientation, because he made me happy

my beer bottle suddenly breaks. what the hell? I get up and clean up the mess.

I miss Liam, he really was daddy direction. he kept all of us in check. he always made sure I was ok, that I didn't eat too much, that Louis isn't picking on me. but he was also a friend , he would always talk with me about my feelings when I needed to. he always knew the right thing to say

the TV turns on and starts to rapidly change channels . that's so weird. I cant turn it off. I unplug it and sit back down

I miss Louis, he was like a big brother. either picking on me or messing around with me or we'd prank the others. we got up to so many crazy things together. but he was also very passionate and protective and gentle. I remember we always took naps together, back then I didn't think about it much but I now know it's cause I felt safe with him knowing my brother will always protect me

did the air con just fix itself? it's cold in here. I go to the bedroom and put on a white thank top before sitting on the bed

I miss Zayn, he was always the closest to me. He was so protective and Affectionate with me. We were like a knot not to be severed by anything. I remember when those paparazzi in LA dragged me to the floor I was so scared, the security helped me up and into the car and I looked outside and saw Zayn fighting the paparazzi for me and I never felt so Loved in my life. my memory takes me back to one of our first concerts. a girl in the crowed shouted that I suck and that I'm ugly and that I don't deserve to be in the band. me, being just a kid took that to heart and cried. Zayn hugged me and I felt like I could move mountains. I remember that after the show he told me that I was worth the world and to never listen to haters. and ever since than hate didn't affect me anymore. cause whenever a hater came at me I just thought of that moment and nothing could phase me. that's how close we were, all of us, especially me and Zayn. just the words we shared changed us as people, I'm forever glad for Zayn being with me at my lowest. I miss him so much-

Suddenly the cold became overwhelming and sharp pain ran through my back as if a wild animal was trying to escape through my skin. the room was lit with blinding light and I could feel my veins. my head was pounding and unbearable pain rocked me as I felt my back being ripped in half. it stops and everything goes black for a few seconds. I wake up and look around to see the most unbelievable sight I've ever witnessed in my life...










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