Coming back after regionals

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Summers POV
Winning Regionals was just the best.
Richelle POV
We finally won after a crazy dance season but I miss Noah and Jacquie
Ozzy POV
It feels amazing to be a Regionals winner
Kingston's POV
I feel so happy it was my first competition and we won
Finn POV
I am so proud of tns we won fruity moons style
Pipers POV
The last time I was at Regionals we lost it feels so great to have won
Henry's POV
I am so proud of myself and the team we won and I got to win with summer
Kenzies POV
we won I am so happy
Dance ends
(Emily walks in)
Ok guys great dance I am aware we are 2 dancers short since Noah and Jacquie left and we need alternates but right now I have some news say Emily
(Everyone looks at eachother confused)
So I would like you all to meet Nick the new studio owner. This year we have 2 choreographers we have Noah and Jacquie in then you still have Me and Michelle as co studio heads. So do what ever we say.
(Everyone looks happy)

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