Male Solos

39 5 2

Henry's POV
I'm very nervous to take the stage I'm the only person representing my team in this round and it's my first time on stage on my own so I'm freaking out but I know deep down I can do this. My girlfriend but most importantly my team know I can do this.
Summers POV
I know Henry's probably nervous and as his girlfriend I'm going to see if he is ok or if he needs me. Walking towards Henry makes me think am I doing the right thing going to ask him?
Hey Hen how are you asks summer
I'm good don't worry about me says Henry
Ok I just want you to know that no matter what happens I love you says Summer
Aww I love you too sum,I gotta go get ready says Henry
Good luck says summer smiling
Nicks POV
I'm so nervous we are at the first round and the fate of tns  rests on Henry's shoulders I hope he can do it
Henry's POV
Approaching the team is hard but I know they believe in me
Are you ready Henry asks Piper
Yes says Henry
Go out there and crush dance central  exclaims Noah
I will says Henry smiling
Good look Henry says Nick
Looks like the rest of the team are on there ways says Jacquie smiling
Good luck Henry everyone says
Will The Next Step please take the stage shouts the judge.
Ok 3,2,1 The next step the team shout
Henry's POV
Taking the stage is making me feel nervous but I'm very excited to see if I can do it.
Summer POV
I'm so excited to see what Henry can do.
Let's do this shouts Michelle
(Bonafide plays Henry dances)
(Song ends people clap)
Henry's POV
That felt amazing now I just have to wait see what the judges have to say
Summers POV
I'm so proud of Henry no matter what happens
The next step score 94 points shouts the judge
Everyone claps
I believe in you bro shouts Finn
The winner is The Next Step
Henry's POV
I'm so happy right now running back to the team summer runs into my arms it's the best thing ever
Good job Henry shouts Nick
Good job hen we all knew you could do it says Noah
Thanks Bro says Henry
Pipers POV
I'm so happy Henry won but I'm just worried because my duets next
Emily's POV
We made it past the first round I just hope pipers nerves don't get the her.
Guys we have had a busy day go chill in your rooms says Emily
Jacquies POV
I choreographed the duet I hope it's good enough to get us to the female solo round

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