9 - You Don't Want To Be In Hell

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You observed the demon on the opposite end of the table. He picked up the steaming mug and took a quick sip.

It made you wonder what the demon could feel. He didn't blow on his steaming drink to cool it. Was it actually not that hot? Or since he was dead, could he not feel pain? You feared the latter. The thought of trying to escape an immune demon made you lose all shred of hope.

"Freshly brewed coffee is a treasure here in Hell."

You snapped out of your thoughts. You must have unconsciously stared at his mug when you were thinking.

"This is Hell, coffee beans don't grow here. Neither does any plant to have grown on Earth. Mundane animals don't exist here either, sinners here are the animals. Any other 'living thing' you see is simply a spawn of Hell."

You didn't say anything. You didn't want to say anything.

"Water is a luxury as well. Demons and sinners don't need it to survive, but it quenches our insatiable thirst and our constantly dry throats, as part of our punishment. But Hell has some alternatives for it." It got you curious.

"Then, what is this?" You asked as you held up the half-consumed glass of water and swivelled the liquid around.

"Water." You paused. You put the glass down and looked at the demon for answers.

"Having the resource is a symbol of status for us, high-ranking demons of Hell. We've acquired it...less than legally, and still get away with it." Your heart sank to your stomach.

'High-ranking? We?' You didn't notice the demon smirk at your expression.

"Be familiar with the unfamiliar, since you'll be here for a long while." The last seven words he spoke set you off.

"What do you mean I'll be here a long while? I don't even know why I'm here in the first place! All you did was tell me about being a part of your l freak show, you bastard!" Vox's glare deepened with anger the moment you cursed at him.

"You are testing my patience, girl. Didn't your mother teach you about manners and respect? Others would kill for your spot. You should be grateful that I took you in since you wouldn't survive a minute down there in the streets!" He didn't like the attitude you were giving him.

"I didn't ask to be here!" You slammed your fist down on the table as you barked back. You expected Vox to shout back, but he only chuckled.

The volume slowly grew and grew and you feared it was a mistake to have shout at him. You shrunk into the chair.

"Whether you like it or not, you WILL give me respect." His voice boomed from every corner of the room. The lights above you shook from the reverberation. You couldn't help but press yourself further into your seat.

"Understand?" Vox may have lowered his tone, but you still felt like a mouse under his gaze.

"Y-Yes..." You squeaked it out lowly, but the demon meters away heard it crystal clear. A malicious grin replaced his scowl. You were frightened.

The plate in front of you still had food on it, and you didn't want it to go to waste. You decided that you'd finish your food as quick as you can, so you can go back to the bedroom, the only place you could probably have peace.

You chewed the final piece of meat and sipped the last of your water. You tapped your face with the cloth napkin and set it down neatly. You stood up from your seat, and just when you were about to take a step, Vox broke the silence.

"And where are you going?" You snapped your head up to the demon on the other end of the table. It took a moment for you to respond.

"T-to the r-room?" It sounded more like a question than an answer. You cursed yourself for stuttering and sounding like that in front of the demon.

You felt something nudge your hip. You looked to your side and the next thing you know, you were coiled by wires and were sat on the chair.

You couldn't move a muscle and it was difficult to breathe.

Vox stood up and his face seemed to darken. He stalked towards you like a predator, his slow speed inducing more fear in you. The demon stopped right beside you before the cables turned your chair slightly to face him.

Your sweat turned cold and your breathing hastened. You didn't want to look at his face, but you had no choice as he bent forward and tilted up your head with a single digit. Your eyes met his as a claw poked your chin.

His face, a foot away from yours, had the same glower and grin he always wore, but you would never get used to it.

The demon relocated his claw to your neck and dragged it down until resting it between your collarbones. You would have thought he was being gentle if his claws didn't feel like knives which would draw blood if pressed a millimeter deeper.

"If you're worried I'll hurt you, I won't. You're quite attractive for a human, and no one likes damaged merchandise."

He lifted his claw away and folded his arms behind his back. The wires retreated and the demon walked away until he paused to give you a sadistic look.

"But don't give me a reason to." He looked forward and watched his back grow further.

"I have some business to attend to, so you'll have the penthouse to yourself. Don't cause trouble." His words permeated the air as he disappeared into the dark halls.

Your thoughts went back to the conversation and unconsciously clenched your fists. Hearing about the suffering and torment in Hell fueled your determination to escape. You vowed that once you would return to Earth, you'd become a transformed person. No more vices and no more wrongdoings.

You went back to the bedroom in a preoccupied fashion and knelt beside the bed. You put your hands together and for the first time in your life, you prayed so hard that you knew your words reached the Heavens.

(UNDER REVISION) Behind the Scenes (Yandere Vox x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now