I am in a field of Wild Roses?
In the great field of Wild Roses, I feel the Gods which have been here before.
I feel love and I am a lover.
I feel Joy without fear.
I feel compassion without consequence.
Birds of Paradise fly over my head.
Oh Gods I think ye all for ye blessing.
I sit down in orchid. Death shall be my return to the innocence my childhood barely knew.
I shall find peace in the desecration of those who have praised false God.
The Enemy shall lay pigs on their alters. My alter shall burn with my light for it is in my heart.
Evil comes before me tempting but I know better.
I am but a saint in his trial. Noise comes to me but I think thoughts of love.
I realize some people are like the wind. They blow sometimes?
I see fire on the horizon and know it will baptize me and not hurt me.
As I baptize in air I know that other's words are not.
Evil come's on the breeze but it about to feel a storm of Good.
God will burn out that is wicked she will and There shall be a rain of mercy after the fire.
My Soul is my fortress surrounded by the wall of the mind.
In this field of Wild Roses I feel all my mothers calling me.
I am going home!
I wear my garment of a painter.
I work with my to care for plants.
I in these ways am like the originally Jesus before he was the God on the Cross?
I do not need the shackles of hate anymore.
I rise.
I do not need you anymore anger.
I do not need you anymore fear.
I don't need you anymore hatred.
I am in a field of Wild Roses?
SpiritualA simple meditation I have yet to master ...