A Piece of Living Trash (part 2)

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"Oh! Hello! Fujita-kun....right?" He waved and hesitantly calls out my name. The first thing I noticed was his dark-colored eyes and long lashes pointing right at me. I forgot to mention that I was wearing a mask here to cover my apparent wound so I'm mildly surprised he was able to recognize my face.

"Ah yes! Hello Yuuma-san." After I greeted him was when I realized that I'm not too well acquainted with him and he's also older.

"I'm sorry! Chiharu introduced you as Yuuma so I-" I apologized. Yet, the man who was first introduced as Chiharu's cousin cuts me off, without any uncomfortable or malice traces on his face. "No! Yuuma-san is fine!" His smile was gentle and bright at the same time, creating comfort in anyone who looks at them, a few people seem to be whispering while looking at us in awe. I have experienced a few instances where people sneak a few glares at me but these glances are obviously directed at him. Even I can't deny his beaming smile and good looks.

"You're buying the new ultra jam release?" He pointed at the thing I'm holding, eyes filled with curiosity. I nodded.

Yuuma, "I'm actually here to grab one too!"

Me, "Oh. Which series do you like?"
Am I a bit too agitated? It can't be helped though, I'm always excited to meet a fellow comic book fan.

Yuuma, "I quite enjoy all of them but I'm really a fan of Coco's adventure."

Me, "You're a fan of Coco too?!"

Yuuma, "Yea! Especially Conrad's part."
Coco's adventure is a highly popular series regarding the adventure of people named Coco. The series and characters are amazing, especially the Cocos, every one of them have their own charm. Even the villains are breathtaking! I've been a fan of the series and its creator for quite a while that I actually had dreamed of becoming a comic artist as well because of him.
(A/N: Yes, Coco is a parody from, yeah you know what.)
I can't believe I found another fan beside my brother. I and Yuuma-san stood in front of the bookstore for quite a while discussing our favorite series until he looked at his watch strapped on his left wrist. It's past 1 pm already. He should be quite busy. He's a university student after all so he probably has plenty of things to do. I actually felt quite bad for taking his time...

Forgetting what I intended to do going out in the first place, my body reminded me through the sudden rumble coming from my stomach. Yuuma-san seemed to notice the sound as well, I felt the rising temperature surrounding my ears due to the embarrassment.

"You haven't had lunch yet?" He asked. Seeing my response he continued, "So do I. Let's grab some food, my treat!" He's too generous... I shook my head aggressively, denying his offer but he still persisted. The guy even put his arm around my shoulder to drag me, making it even harder for me to escape.
We then reached his designated place which is a small family restaurant just a couple blocks away from the bookstore. One of their waitresses came to greet us then place upon the table two sets of menus.

I flipped over the menus unfamiliarly since I've never been here before, everything looks really good though...especially the karaage set right here. I shouldn't pick anything too extravagant since Yuuma-san is paying. I don't even think I should choose myself.

"I'll have one udon set." Yuuma-san requested his order to the waitress before looking at my direction, gesturing me to order as well.

"Umm.. then I'll have the same one." At this point I don't even care which meal I eat, being brought into this restaurant is already too generous of him.
Yuuma-san thanked the waitress followed by his usual killer smile, resulting in a flustered expression coming from the waitress's face while she clumsily bowed and walks away from our table.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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