You were my hell loop

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Lucifer was in his elevator and had no idea where it would let him. Frankly, he still thought he was hallucinating the image of Maze and probably was still in hell and his demons were only taughting him. Million thoughts crossed his mind. Everything he went through while in hell, everything that happened before that. Chloe, Maze, Amenadiel, Linda, Ella, baby Charlie. He misses them like crazy. Who would've thought the devil would miss humans, angels and demons. Hell, he even misses the detective's offspring. Let's go far, he'd prefer to spend the day with Daniel than being there and that meant something.

But what if Maze was real? is that mean she was left behind? He barely looked at her, talked with her. She was always with him while in hell so obviously her absence was felt by him for the many years he stayed there alone. His favorite demon. He laughed thinking about how much she grown... Well, he grown. He was a different man, a better man and it was all because of Chloe... but what if he is back to his old self? What if hell broke him in ways he can't repair? Maybe he can, but it took him years and he doesn't have the patience for that. All he wants it's Chloe.

The elevator's door opened. He took a deep breath, getting ready to face whatever it was. For Lucifer's surprise he was at home. His penthouse. There you go, he was definitely still in hell. "Is this the part that Chloe comes to the door to tell me she doesn't have feelings for me?", he thought with himself but things seemed different. He looked around and saw a few empty bottles laying around. So far, so good. Some of his clothes were on the floor.

He's not a messy guy but that could happen if he had too much to drink. He followed the clothes that led to his bedroom. Was this a dream? it can't be, it's impossible to dream in hell. So what was going on?
And there she was... Sleeping on his bed, hugging his pillows, wearing his shirt.

— Det... - he started to mumble but contained himself.
— Chloe? - he asked with his mouth opened.
She woke up and immediately turned around to search the voice that called her.
— Lucifer? - she let escape.

She got up and ran towards him, giving him the most tight, sentimental hug he's ever received. He was still so shocked that he could barely reciprocate the hug.

— I can't believe you are really here - she stepped back to look at him and returned to his embrace.
— This is real, isn't it? - he asked, still a little doubtful.
— Yes, this is real - she replied, looking at him again.
She had the biggest smile he's ever saw on her face, she also had a few tears streaming.
— You're crying - he wiped her tears, a little confused about it.
—  These are happy tears. I missed you so much. I- I'm so sorry that you had to go, mainly because of me. I thought about it everyday. You shouldn't have, Lucifer. - her tone was more serious now and that smile wasn't there anymore.

Lucifer frowned, still confused with everything that was happening. He opened his mouth but nothing came. She was staring at him, maybe wanting an explanation? maybe she wanted him to apologize? He did leave her but he did that to protect her, did she forget about it? the questions were popping up in his head while he blankly looked at her. Chloe noticed. She didn't want to sound ungrateful but she was hurt and she wanted him to know.

— Lucifer, are you okay? - he didn't answer.

She stepped back and the air got a little heavy. Lucifer was staring the floor with his head down and Chloe didn't know what else to say, although she had plenty of things in mind. The silence was killing both of them and usually they were comfortable around each other. Did something change between them?

— Lucifer... - Chloe tried again.
Lucifer finally looked at her, he had angry features and his eyes were darker than usual.
— Are you mad at me? - he asked her with a low voice.
She thought before answering.
— Lucifer, I'm not mad... I just wish you hadn't left - Chloe was still staring at him. Lucifer met her gaze.
— How can you be so selfish? I did this for you. FOR YOU - he raised his voice.
Chloe was so surprised, he never talked with her like that before.
— Lucifer, are you okay? This isn't you.
— But maybe it's who I am all along. You don't accept me anyway, so why bother?

He shot it out. Chloe looked down. She felt so guilty for not accepting him before, but to throw at her face like that.
— Lucifer... - she started, maybe putting her thoughts in order.
— I'm sorry how I acted before but it is so unfair of you to say that to me right now
He only shook his head, like he was proud of saying.
— I accept who you are because I l... - she hesitated.

She already told him she loves him, but it was in a moment of despair and she didn't want to say again, not because she had to. Lucifer didn't have the smug look on his face anymore, he was all serious, maybe a little ashamed of himself.

— Look, I just wanted us to discuss about you going back there like a cou- (...) partners but you didn't consider what I had to say... You didn't consider my feelings.
Chloe let it out while her hand was on her heart.
— Oh, I'm sorry if I didn't have the time to consider what you said when literally hell was coming to earth. You see, Chloe, I did what I thought it was best for everyone... and... I thought you'd be just fine without me.

Chloe could see the pain in Lucifer's eyes. But the moment he said that, he remembered all that happened down there and how guilty he felt for not being there for her. It made him realize how wrong those words were.

— I think it's better if I go.
Chloe had now tears in her eyes and it wasn't of joy. Lucifer looked at her trying to find something to say but his mouth couldn't keep up with his mind.
— I'm sorry for the mess here, I was going to clean it up... Also, I'm sorry for barging in... I just missed you and it always made me feel better to come here. - She said and then she gave him her back, ready to leave.

Lucifer's heart just broke a little. Why was he being such a fool? Why was he wasting time instead of just being with her? It was what he wanted the most. He supposed to make her feel better, he supposed to hug her, kiss her and be there for her like he couldn't while in hell. Foolish devil.

— You know... - he started, making her turn to face him again.
— You were my hell loop - he gave her a painful but honest smile.
She looked at him, half surprised, half confused.
— The way I was tortured over and over was seeing you dying.
One single tear ran down his face. Chloe's mouth popped open.
— I had to watch you dying because I wasn't there for you the way I supposed to... That made me feel so guilty for leaving you. I-I'm sorry, Chloe. I'm sorry for leaving and for acting like an idiot. All I could think about was you. You were the only reason I didn't give up, because I wanted to see you again and I don't wanna ruin this now. I did this for you because you are all I care about and because... I-I love you, Chloe.

Chloe's eyes widened while tears streamed down her face. He kept staring at her, almost without blinking. He had the same expression of when their roles were reversed. He was smiling but also showing pain. It was so hard for him to tell her all of that but he didn't think he'd ever have the chance to do so he clung to the moment.

After staring each other for quite some time, they both ran towards one another. It wasn't for a hug this time. Their lips glued together like it always supposed to be like that and they held each other in a deep, passionated kiss. Lucifer had his hands on Chloe's waist and Chloe had her hand on his heart. The heart that she damn well knew it belonged to her.

He pushed her against the wall and their eyes met while they searched for air. There was so much hungriness for each other in their eyes that it was almost impossible to stop but they needed to taste one another again, too much time has passed and both of them wanted to stop imagining how would it be and just live it. Chloe started to take Lucifer's shirt and he pulled her close to him like their bodies were one. They went for another passionated kiss, just tasting each other.

Chloe left a moaning escape her which made Lucifer aroused. He gazed at her:
— Are you sure, detective?
gasping, she said:
— I've never been so sure in my entire life
She grinned at him while leading him to the bed.

They were about to go to the next level in their relationship where both of them would experience new things physically and emotionally and they couldn't be more ready to go through it all together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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