Chapter 3

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Fall Semester
8 months till UA entrance exam

_____(Y/n)'s POV_____

I've been training with Kozou for the past month up until now and let me tell you... he doesn't go easy on me... even if I am his crush. He just loves to sneak up on ya and surprise attack you. I've gotten used to it though and have won 5 matches... out of 55... and they were the last five. For someone who only controls animals he sure as hell can put up a fight. However, I've gotten better at my water control as well as expanding the range of my voice! So now that I have accomplished that, TIME FOR WATER TRAINING!

I got up early this morning and put on my swimsuit. It's a (f/c) bikini that has white gems outlining the top of the suit. I put on a violet off the shoulder top and ripped skinny jeans. Listen, it may be fall but it's still pretty hot out. I put my hair up in a ponytail and added a jewel clip. I grabbed my gym bag and a towel then ran to the door. I put on my white sandals and walked outside. I went to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to the train station. The bus arrives and I hop on. I sit next to a dude with purple hair that's all swooped up and eye bags. He looked like he needed a nap so I let him rest his head. I went on my phone and looked at the news. I read the latest headline.


Pregnant Assault Victim Gives Birth to a Healthy Baby Girl

Hisaka Hiado was the victim of an assault by her now ex-boyfriend after he found out that she was pregnant. He informed police that the child wasn't his and in fact was of someone his girlfriend had an affair with. Ms. Hiado stated that she did not have an affair with anyone and that he just couldn't accept that he got her pregnant.

Today the child was conceived and is a very healthy baby girl. Ms. Haido stated that she was naming her child after the young teen that saved her that day. Her child was named (y/n) Nakano Hiado after (y/l/n), the 15 year old that apprehended the ex-boyfriend and got her help. Ms. Haido sends her the best of luck for future challenges.

The child was taken and was put through a DNA test to identify the father. The results came back and showed that the ex-boyfriend was in fact the father. The ex is sentenced to 10 to 20 years in prison and the mother has full custody of the child.


I read the story in shock. I was surprised that she named her own child after me. I looked up from my phone and out the window. I see the station coming into view so I prepared my self to get off. The bus stopped, I got up and I walked out. I made my way to the right docking area (is that what they call it? I don't know, I never went on a bullet train before😅) and boarded the next train.

Now let me tell ya something... it's hella crowded on trains, and I mean HELLA. I was pushed up against the door and could barely move or breathe. I sighed and just accepted that this is how getting to the beach is gonna be. I got out my phone and took a picture of the situation I'm in. I sent it to Kozou saying "I can barely move and breathe..." he read it and messaged me back saying "I hope your not claustrophobic😂" I smiled and turned my phone off. He sent me another message but I decided to check it when I got off.

Little did she know that Kuzou sent her a warning.
The message was
"There might be a pervert on there that might try to touch you so be cautious😠😣"
Well shit...

I'M NOT A MERMAID! (Bakugou x Reader) *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now