It's-a me, the Mario-nette. :)

22 2 17

Me: Kitty_Toast, I love you, and I always will. I'll never ever stop loving you...


*sigh* Let's just get this over with.

My version of Puppet, otherwise referred to in my AU as Mario, will be answering these

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My version of Puppet, otherwise referred to in my AU as Mario, will be answering these.

Mario: Hello everyone. Pleasure to meet you.

Me: Let's get started with the questions, k?

Mario: Okay.

Question 1: Do you care what people think about you?

Mario: No. Not anymore. I stopped caring about lots of things a long time ago, including how I wanted to have a family of my own when I was younger. Most of the people I care about are gone now.

Me: ... Kinda morbid, don't you think?

Mario: It's nothing new to me, so I've kinda grown immune to it.

Question 2: Do you have a middle name?

Mario: No. Just my nickname. Although Nightmare likes to taunt me by calling me Mari, but I shut him up pretty quickly.

Me: How?

Mario: Let's just say his back was sore for a week.

Me: ...

Mario: ... I slammed a metal table onto his back.

Me: Oh.

Question 3: Favorite sport?

Mario: I don't like sports.

Me: Same. Way too much effort for me. Plus, I hate running.

Mario: I know. Do you have any idea how hard it is to run with feet like mine?

Me: ... But I thought you didn't have feet-

Mario: Exactly.

Question 4: Who is someone you couldn't live without.

Mario: ... That'd definitely be Charlie. After she died, I did everything in my newfound abilities to keep her safe. That's all I wish to say on the matter.

Question 5: Who's your best friend.

Mario: I have friends?

(Insert depressing AF music)

Question 6: Your nickname?

Mario: Like I said. My nickname's Mario, but Nightmare called me Mari once and I whacked him in the back with a metal table for it.

Question 7: Are you more commonly referred to as cute or sexy?

Mario: Mostly cute. I'm basically the dad of almost everybody at the pizzeria. Ballora's probably the only one who's ever called me sexy.

Me: She did?

Mario: Only once, but that's it.

Question 8: Preferred pronouns.

Mario: I prefer male pronouns.

Question 9: Has anybody ever asked you out?

Mario: My first date was more of an attempted rape than an actual date.

Me: What do you mean?

Mario: Ballora's the second girl I've went on a date with. The first was when I was Lefty. To make a long story short: Afton wasn't kidding when he said his daughter was crazy.

Me: ... Okay then. Moving on.

Question 10: Name three pet peeves.

Mario: *sigh* Oh boy...

Well, for the first one, don't ever talk about child abuse in front of me. Charlie was neglected by her real dad and he only cared when he wanted to kill Afton, his family, and me. I honestly think Afton's a better dad than him.

For the second one, if you ever call me a girl, I will rip your arm off faster than Foxy can run. It's honestly annoying at this point and I really don't like my female interpretations.

And last, but certainly not least, don't ever, and I mean EVER insult my kids. Talk shit, get hit.

Me: Noted.

Question 11: Do you believe in soulmates?

Mario: I always have. Why are you even asking me this? You believe in soulmates yourself.

Me: I know.

Question 12: Are you emotional.

Mario: I'm an emotionless person in general. I only show genuine emotions to Charlie and Ballora.

Question 13: Words you say often?

Mario: Just "heya", I guess. I don't really say much.

Question 14: Picture of yourself?

Mario: This was during a birthday party at the classic animatronic location

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Mario: This was during a birthday party at the classic animatronic location.

("classic animatronics" is a term Puppet uses for the FNAF 1 crew)

Question 15: Favorite picture of someone else?

Mario: In terms of favorite funny pictures, this one takes the cake

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Mario: In terms of favorite funny pictures, this one takes the cake.

Me: I didn't even know that I could melt before then.

Now, you've gotta tag twenty people.

Mario: Really? That sounds like a bit too much, don't you think?

Me: Same. Let's just tag three.

Meltheshipper. :)

Emmie_Temmie. :)

Fatespeakerwolf. :)


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