Chapter 25

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Shane had made up his mind that he would make me say yes anyhow. He had been planning everything beforehand. Everyone was in on this and he had started preparing for the wedding before I said yes.

He just wanted me to say yes officially.

After the proposal, Shane got busy with the preparations. He didn't let me work anything and in spite being busy with the preparations. He didn't forget about my doctor's appointments and my medicines on time.

The only thing I had to do was tasting cake which was arranged at home so I don't have to stress much and the most important thing. The wedding dress...

Emma had three to four wedding dress designed for me. She came in with the dresses and I tried them on and the second one was it. I knew this was the one. Shane begged us to show him the wedding dress but customs are customs.

And very soon time flew by. Tomorrow we were getting married. Shane started arguing when he wasn't allowed in my room because its the night before the wedding. I didnt want eyebags under my eyes on my wedding day. It was late and I was about to sleep when I heard a knock on the door.

I open the door to see it was Tyler.
He had a envelope in his hand. He hands it to me and winks.
"I don't have to tell you who its from." Shane. I smiled at him and hugged him as he went off to sleep.

Jumping on my soft bed I open the envelope and read the letter.

Jumping on my soft bed I open the envelope and read the letter

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I was laughing at the end. Not because he was being too cute.
I take my phone and call him. I wasn't surprised when he picked up in the second ring. "You know you could have just called." I chuckle.

"A letter seemed romantic to me."
I could see him smiling without seeing him. I blushed at his efforts.
He continued "From tomorrow no one can stop me from seeing you. I will always be beside you." He says and I smiled. I am getting married tomorrow which still seemed like a dream to me. "That's practically impossible you know. What if you had to go abroad for a business meeting?"

"As my assistant and wife you need to accompany me." He answers.
"You should fire me for not working without informing."

He laughs and we talked on the phone for what seemed like hours and I don't know when I went off to sleep...


"Rise and shine, princess.Its time to wake up. I can't believe you are still sleeping." Taylor tries waking me up as I squint my eyes at the bright sunlight peeking in though the windows. It is morning already.
Hailey squeals in excitement."It's your wedding day."

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