Hello, my name is gru! Just your shy quiet small town gorl. I go to QuiveringDiabetes creek high school! I just turned 17 and I'm almost a senior. I spend a lot of time on my studies. Since my father died in that fatal car accident, school has been a really good distraction.
But with Fiona (the popular girl) bullying me all the time it does get pretty hard. Me and Fiona use to be besties 🤞4liferss if you will. Ever since shrek broke up with her,she was never the same. She became stuck up and started hanging out with other people.
She said I wasn't "cool" enough for her. But she was right. I'm not cool. I'm different, unique, talented, and not like other gorlz. Oh and boys? Ughh don't get me started on those creeps. High school isn't the place to be focused on boys!