1. Romeo and juliet

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Kieran Black was everything people thought he was

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Kieran Black was everything people thought he was. He was a player both on and off the court and he was nothing but trouble. He was cocky and arrogant in all the ways that had girls falling at his feet. The displays in the hallways of girl throwing themselves at him was something I always found entertaining.

"Kieran!" I watched as the girl pushed her way down the hallway.

There the devil was, standing in the doorway watching the blonde barrel towards him. He had his signature smile on his face. I always suspected that it was what had all the ladies dropping their panties for him. That damn smile.

"Did you hear about Jordan's party?" She asked in an overly enthusiastic voice.

He just raised his eyebrows slightly not bothering to answer.

"Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me?"

I almost laughed but I knew that would draw attention to me. The chances of Kieran saying yes to this girl was like one in five million. I had watched this interaction many times with various different girls. I just hoped that this one wasn't a crier. Crying always made everything more messy.

"I don't know if I'm going to go but if I do you'll see me," he gave the girl an awkward pat on the shoulder before weaving around her.

The girl just stood there and I watched as her face fell. No tears fell so I figured that was always a good sign. She'd get over it and find a different boy to go to the party with her.

I couldn't help but watch as people just moved out of Kieran's way. He didn't have to navigate the halls, people just moved for him. He was notorious and anyone with a set of eyes or a pair of ears knew the kind of trouble that came with a boy like him.

"Shepard." He gave me a quick nod as he past.

It was the usual greeting. Sometimes he changed things up by shooting me a wink but today was a nod type of day I guess.

"Eat dirt you asshole," I rolled my eyes and turned back to my locker.

I didn't have to see his reaction because I heard the low laugh come out of him as he continued his walk down the hallway.

"Ugh I'd have all his babies, like every single one." I turned to see my best friend, Ava leaning against the locker next to me gazing at Kierans retreating figure.

"You're delusional."

"I'm serious we could have a total Romeo and Juliet type of thing going on. You know since him and your brother have that whole crazy feud. I could be the one to breach the gap between the shepherd family and the black family."

"For that to happen you'd have to be related to me and since your last name is not shepherd you and him would not be anything like Romeo and Juliet."

"You always ruin my fun." She pouted.

I really couldn't help but roll my eyes at my best friends antics. She was a tad bit crazy sometimes.

But she was right about the whole feud thing. Kieran and my brother hated each other and the whole freaking world knew it.

"I'm sorry I just don't think a romance between you and Kieran would actually end that feud. I know you have like magically powers and all that but I don't see my brother and Kieran ever getting along."

"You're not wrong the only thing that will end that feud is the grave and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if your brother taught his children to hate kierans children. This could go on for generations."

While it seemed a tad bit dramatic, I could see my brother doing something like that. He was a stubborn guy and he knew how to hold a grudge better than anyone else I knew.

"Let's hope not." I closed my locker and turned to make my way to first period.

I barely made it two steps before my phone buzzed.

Want to get out of here?

I just shook my head. The day hadn't even started yet and I was already getting texts like this.

It sucked being the responsible one.

Can't even make it through first period?

"Who are you texting?" Ava leaned over my shoulder to get a look at my phone.

I tucked my phone back in my pocket.

"Just my brother reminding me he has practice after school." It felt shitty to lie to my best friend but I'd been getting more used to it than I'd like to.

"Well tell him if he ever wants to get some extra exercise to call me." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Ew that's gross." I cringed.

"I'm kidding." She laughed.

I only mildly believed her. I loved Ava like a sister but she had the tendency to be a little boy crazy. And she's made it abundantly clear that her craziness doesn't stop at my brother. I've learned it's best to tune her out when my brothers name falls from her lips. I rarely want to hear what comes after it.

"I'll see ya later." She waved once we had to part ways.

I waved back and once she rounded the corner I pulled my phone back out.

I'd be able to make it if you were with me ;)

I was hard to hold back my eye roll. This man was driving me to insanity.

I think you'll be able to make do

I put my phone away again not bothering to check it when I felt another buzz. He could wait until after first period.

When I walked into my first period class I smiled as I saw the familiar face of my brother. It was our only class together but if felt nice to be able to spend some time with him since he always seemed to be busy with basketball or whatever else he did.

He was currently hunched over talking to one of his close friends Jaxon.

"So does that mean you're going to get him back?" I heard Jaxon say.

"Is that even a question?"

"Harlan please don't tell me you're talking about what I think you are." I sighed and took the empty seat next to my brother.

"Come on sis you know me well enough by now." He shot me his innocent smile and I knew he was up to no good.

Talk of the prank that Kieran had pulled on my brother was all everyone had been talking about for the past two days. Kieran has converted my brothers favorite shirt into a cropped top during basketball practice. My brother bring my brother had made it work for him but the harmless pranks never ended well. They were just the start and when the tension built up high enough the boys moved from pranks to fists. It was a boring cycle that I found to get old pretty fast but no one else seemed to share that opinion.

One day those boys where going to burn this whole place down just trying to one up the other.


And that's the first chapter!! I'm excited to be able to share this story with you. I've been working on it for a while and now I finally get to put it out into the world!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!

-Cora Leigh

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