Being the Sheriff's Son

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Stiles drummed his fingers on the armrests of his chair. He hated waiting. It meant time wasted while he could be doing something.

The door creaked open behind him and he let out a sigh of relief. He was closer to being done with this whole situation.

The sheriff walked in and sighed when he saw his son. Seconds later, the principal followed.

"Stiles, do you want to tell me what happened?" His dad asked.

"Um not really. Besides, I think he," Stiles nodded towards the principal, "already told you."

The sheriff nodded, "he has. I was giving you a chance to defend yourself."

Stiles was quiet for awhile before responding. "Can we go?"

His dad sighed, which Stiles has noticed he was doing a lot lately, and they headed out of the school.

"I just can't believe," his father shook his head, "that you'd do some smartass thing and make me come all the way from work. You know I've been busy lately, Stiles. I don't have time for this."

Stiles nodded while keeping his head down. He knew his dad was stressed over work.

They got in the cruiser and the sheriff drove them home.

"What's with you lately, Stiles? It's like, ever since Scott has been seeing that girl, you've been getting into trouble."

Stiles stayed quiet. He didn't know how to answer his dad. Though, he felt that his dad just wanted to rant and didn't want him to answer.

They pulled over before the driveway in the street and the sheriff put the car in park. "I have to go back to the station. Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."

Stiles got out and walked to the front door while his dad drove off. He didn't mean to get in trouble. Well, he didn't mean to get caught. He always sabotaged Coach Finstock's office on Fright Night anyhow. This was his first time doing it without Scott. If Scott had been there, Stiles thought, they wouldn't have gotten caught.

He climbed the stairs and went to his room. He had served an hour detention and it was now 4:20. He laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

If Scott had been there, they would have definitely not been caught. It was like whenever he was with Scott, they always got out of trouble. But now, on his own, he was bad luck.

He couldn't remember the last time he's seen Scott. Was it four days ago? They passed in the hallway at school. Scott had had his arm around Kira and they didn't even notice Stiles.

He spent most of his days alone now. No Scott. No Maleah. She left town after her dad was put in Eichen House. No Lydia. She uses all of her time studying and being a star student. No Derek. Stiles didn't really want to hang out with him anyways.

Stiles was utterly alone now.

He wiped his cheek and noticed that his face was wet.

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