Flashback 3 days ago : Part 31

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: I road my wheelchair to my store to meet up with my friend/business partner Marion Ramirez. "Hey Ava you looked really good", she said hugging me. "Thank you, so you got my request right ?' I then asked her. "Yes I did, so you're really going to Bodega Bay & fight crime..Well I know you said you wanted something that was inspired by your dad. The fabric high level bulletproof, & it's still movable & stretchy for you. With the design. I put a touch of your mom with the amazon symbol. It's not quite done yet, it will done by tomorrow. But what you think of your suit though ?', Marion asked me showing it to me in the dressing room. "Oh wow .....it's really beautiful", I said in amazement.

 Ava's suit concept ?

 Ava's suit concept ?

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