Ten : Confessions

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The days flew by quickly , after all, time passes in the blink of an eye when you are with the people you love. The duo grew closer with their time together and had already adapted to each other's routines.

Lan Yibo is the first one to wake up as the Lans got up at 6 AM. Yibo wanted Zhan to practise Lan Rules. So he started waking up Wei Zhan , but Zhan slept like a piggy. At last Yibo sighed and got out of the bed. Later he came back when it's almost 10 AM and started waking up Zhan .

"Five more minutes."Zhan mumbled in his sleep.

"You said that five minutes ago Zhan Zhan."leaned over him , shaking him some more in an attempt to get him up. He lightly poked his cheeks.

"Come on . Wake up now or I will pour water on you."

Wei Zhan just groaned and pulled the covers higher over his head.

Finally Yibo had enough . He stood up and stomped over to the bathroom. He grabbed a small mug and filled it with cold water.

He marched over to Zhan , moved his covers and dumped the cold water on his face.

"WHAT THE..." Zhan sputtered as he shot up from his sleep.

Poor Zhan was drenched , his hair sticking to his face due to the water and his eyes were dazed after being woken up . On the other hand Yibo was standing over him with a victorious smirk.

"What the hell , Yibo!" Zhan groaned as he laid back on the bed.

Yibo just grinned evily. "I warned you. Now come on get up. It's already 10 AM ." He reminded Zhan.


"Zhan Zhan . You are so lazy . Do you need a morning kiss to get up?"

"Stay away from me , you COLDFACED SHAMELESS PERVERT!!"

Wei Zhan jumped out of the bed and marched towards the bathroom while Yibo let out a soft chuckle.

Wei Zhan took a shower and got dressed up. He saw Lan Yibo waiting for him with breakfast.

"Come on Zhan Zhan , have your breakfast."

Wei Zhan shook his head "I want Lan er gege to feed me"

Yibo rolled his eyes at Zhan "You have your own hands. So you can eat yourself. And don't call me 'Lan er gege'"

"Pretty please" Zhan pouted cutely and blinked his eyes at Yibo.

"Do you plan to kill me?" Yibo spoke amused as he looked at Wei Zhan.

"W..What do you mean?"Zhan looked confused.

"If Zhan Zhan deosn't stop being cute to me, I will die from your cuteness or get a nosebleed. Moreover your cuteness turns me on so much." Yibo replied with a perverted grin.

"Behave yourself 'COLDFACE'" Zhan turned red.

"Don't underestimate me, darling" Yibo smiled.

"You are so.....ugh"

"Perverted? Stupid? Cocky? Shameless? Lovable? Handsome? What?" Yibo smirked . Zhan glared at Yibo with puffed cheeks.

Yibo loved teasing him so much. He could do anything for him. Anything he just had to name it. At last Yibo fed Zhan his breakfast.



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