Deal Making

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$%^$^$%I'm sorry its been so long. I hope everyone had a happy Holiday! What did you guys do for you vacation?^%$%T$6

Sean’s P.O.V (yes! I know!) Sean in picture

                Ever since I came to this town people have been in the way of my plans. I came here for two reasons, Milani-the man I hate most, and Jamie-the girl I’ll never stop loving. Although most believe she is the only reason I came here, I wish that were true, but it’s not. I love Jamie and I know she still loves me. She’s just scared. She’s scared. These were my everyday thoughts normally…but right now as I am storming off, the only thing I can think of is killing Damon.

                I clench and unclench my hand as I push past people. I hear her calling out my name but right now I want nothing to do with her. Damn you Jamie. Watching him kiss her reminded me why I was as heartless as I was to people. Watching her accept the kiss and smile as he touched her the way I would touch her-it has killed me. Her voice is faint now but the scene of what I just saw is playing over and over in my head. She’s with him. She’s actually with him! She didn’t even tell me! I just thought all this time she was playing hard to get. But I knew all these guys surrounding her was a problem. If not her brother’s friends then this new group of boys definitely. But why am I surprised she has moved on with him? He’s just like me.

                All this time I’ve been trying to convince her I’ve changed-that she could have a life with me, and this is what is happening? This is what the outcome is? I’ve wasted my time trying to be the good guy for her-I may as well be the bad guy she hates. I punched the concrete wall in frustration and rubbed my forehead. I know this Damon guy is the cause of this. At first I thought Trevor would be my problem, and I can tell he likes her, but it blindsided me when her and this guy would start dating. I began walking back to my car hoping not to run into Jamie on my way. Ian came here with me in his car but I don’t know where he is right now and I’m not waiting up. I unlocked my car but before I could climb in a guy’s voice yelled out to me.

                “Hey!” He growled. I turned and my eyes darkened as I saw it was Damon. Damon and his little posse of misfits. I could feel my hands go white as I pulled on the car door handle.

                “What?” I asked playing it off coolly. I strained my face and forced a small smile.

                “Where’s Jamie?” He asked. The look on his face showed disgust and the guys behind him didn’t look so happy. A chuckle escaped my mouth.

                “Well she’s your girlfriend isn’t she? Shouldn’t you know where she is?” I asked sarcastically. “Besides the last time I saw her she was with you. The last time I heard her…mmm she was screaming out my name-so I can see not much has changed.” I smiled loving my sexually implied joke just to rile him up. I watched him take a step forward but one of those twin boys grabbed his arm.

                “You’re going to stay away from Jamie. She’s my girlfriend and is no longer in a relationship with you. She doesn’t love you anymore. So why don’t you just stay the fuck away from her and save her some trouble?” He spat at me. I wanted to laugh in his face but deep down his words angered me beyond any limit. How dare he think he can just say she doesn’t love me, that he can think he can just come in here and steal a few kisses and she’s his? I stepped forward toward him until we were eye to eye. There was just the right amount of space between us.

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