Lunch Table Lovers - Lev x Reader

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Science class had just begun when the teacher said that you could choose your own partners. It was the first day of school and you just moved from (home country) so you didn't know anyone quite yet.
"How tf am I supposed to get a good partner if nobody here knows me..." you thought to yourself.

Lev Haiba was the tall quiet kid in the class that no one wanted to talk to. Surprisingly, he was an outcast in this class, despite his looks. It is a known fact among the Nekoma students that the boys volleyball team is not very popular with the ladies. "Oh god, no one is gonna choose me and I am gonna feel bad and have to work by myself again..." Lev though to himself, frowning. "This happens every time."

You scanned the room to find someone who was possibly not partnered up yet.
You huff just as you look at the tall middle blocker in the corner of the room.
"Damn, he is really cute. How come he doesn't have a partner yet?" You thought to yourself.

You say a little prayer for good luck before you walk over to the tall boy. Starting to panic a little about not thinking before acting, you say "Hi! I'm y/n," in your most friendly tone. "It seems that I don't really know anyone from here, I actually just moved here from (home country). Um, do you have a partner yet?" You say as you give him a polite smile, your hands getting cold from nerves.

"Uhm, no, I don't have a partner actually." Lev says, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at his feet.

"Would you like to be my partner?" You two say at the same time, followed by both of you giving a shy giggle.

"Sure, I'll be your partner. Thanks!" You say as you sit beside him, your arm grazing his as you tuck in your chair which makes both of you flinch.

"Sorry!" You quickly say, blushing and feeling embarassed.

"It's okay, y/n" lev says, tilting his head, smiling and putting his hand on your back.

"I totally like them" you thought to yourselves in that moment.


For the rest of the semester, you two stayed lab partners. You were the smarter of the two of you, so you did most of the work while Lev just watched you. You didn't mind him watching you though, and he didn't mind the view either.

Science class alone didn't seem to satisfy your craving to see his goofy self every day though, so you two also spent every lunch together, walked to and from school together, and you attended his volleyball practices and games. He even gave you one of his team hoodies once because you were cold and told you to keep it. It was giant and it smelled like him, so of course you didn't fight to give it back. Every time you wear it around him, he blushes like a mad man. It's so cute!

You became best friends through the semester. He would tell you about how Kenma was picking on him in practices, you would go over to each other's houses to work on science projects, you would help him with other school work, too. You even became friends with his sister! Things were starting to fall into place for you two. You started thinking that you might confess soon.


There is this girl that hangs around you guys sometimes that you can just tell has a crush on Lev too. She gets all touchy-feely with him, laughs really hard at all his jokes, blushes at everything he says, and is overall just really cute when she is with him. It makes you sick to your stomach. She makes you second guess if Lev would ever actually like you or if he would like her instead.

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