chapter 3

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Damien pov .
We just arrived at Andy's house , scratch that his MANSION . " this isn't a house it's a flipping mansion " and he just laughs ' he has a really nice laugh ' ok now i am blushing fang it ." Did you say flipping " he asks smirking . " oh um sorry I just don't like swearing, i mean I am a preschool teacher so i just use different words . But I am sorry I will stop if you want me to , i am really sorry , i must look really stupid , oh and now I am rambling sorry I dont know what's wrong with me , ugh why am I so stupid " i mumble the last part to myself . I decide to take the brave step and look at him instead of running like my brain told me to but noooo Damien Moore doesn't listen to himself does he , nope , nopity nope , he always does the dumb stuff that's why he was able to stay in abusive relationship for too long.  Wow now i am thinking in third person AND rambling inside my head , jeez what is wrong with me , poop he is saying something ." Umm sorry um I kinda zoned out sorry , may you please repeat again I am terribly sorry" he laughs his se- I mean manly laugh and then says " it's ok it's cute , i was saying we Should probably go inside , we've been standing here for about 3 minutes , good thing eve is sleeping or she would have yelled at us well me but still. He says scratching the back of his neck, wait did he just call me cute shdjrkrb , my eyes are coming out of their sockets now , oh ya inside.  " sure um lead the way " God why am I so awkward . We enter inside the house and I seriously almost fainted like umm this house well mansion is even prettier on the inside like I am pretty sure my whole apartment can fit inside just the living room 5 times ok I may be exaggerating but you get my point .... right? Ok ." Do you want to go straight to the kitchen or....." I won't go STRAIGHT  to the kitchen buuuuut I will go GAY to the kitchen.  See what i did there , i start laughing to my self because i am funny " what's funny " Andy asks while smiling.  " oh um I said I joke in my head it's nothing " please don't ask me what joke , please don't ask me wh- " can I hear it " ofcourse he will ask , thanks alot universe " um ok so um you asked if i want to go straight to the kitchen and I said I won't go STRAIGHT to the kitchen but i will go um gay to the kitchen" I say all this while looking at my feet because I am awkward and I will probably run away if i look in his eyes . Wait is that laughing I hear ejfjehfvrj I made him laugh ok calm your panties Damien, you aren't even wearing panties , shut up conscience. " that's actually kinda funny and you are cute, so would you like to go GAY to the kitchen now " he smirks at me while saying gay , and I just smile because that is the only thing I can think of doing now just smile and no one will know you are dead inside, smiling will hide all the darkness in y- OFF TOPIC . I turn around and start walking and after a little while my stupid self realises I dont even know where the kitchen is . Why can't his kitchen just be in the same room ugh now i have to turn and give him my awkward smile then ask him ugh I hate my self sometimes.

(This is what the mansion looks like on the outside, got it from Pinterest)

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(This is what the mansion looks like on the outside, got it from Pinterest).

(This is what the mansion looks like on the outside, got it from Pinterest)

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