Christiano & Me

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Note: This was written during the run of EKDV Season1 but can be read by admirers of both seasons.

Shravan entered Sumo's room one evening humming to check if she was fine to join their group of friends who were planning to watch the Euro cup final together and they also had dinner party plans during the match. Before he could utter a word he was left speechless looking at the walls of Sumo's room. They were adorned with life size posters from shirtless to formally dressed from orange to blue all colors possible of none other than Christiano Ronaldo!!! Sumo looked at Shravan's shocked posture and said "Shravan do I say.. I am you know obsessed with him. I am watching the Euro cup because of him. You know when I look at him, it seems to make my day pleasant. His smile, his attitude, his biceps , his body how edible he". Suman ended her long and short praises for Chirstiano as she looked at the miffed face of Shravan from the corner of her eyes and stifled a laugh. Shravan dug his fingers into his palms as pangs of jealousy shot through him hearing Suman unabashedly talking about was all ok ..but edible ...yuck..ewww. He could not even imagine his Sumo talking about somebody other than him like this. Sumo continued to gaze dreamily at one shirtless huge poster and looking back Shravan's jaw clenched and he just turned on his heels and walked out.
A few days back Shravan and Sumo had been out having their favorite masala chai when Sumo had noticed Shravan ogling at a skimpily dressed girl and immediately Sumo's brain had gone on an overdrive to figure out a way of revenge .Their common friend Anjali had revealed that they were all planning to watch the Euro cup final and would also be an occasion to catch up. She had also told her how she was a fan of one of the French players and how her boyfriend gets jealous when she watches him play, it had given Sumo ideas. Suman knew Shravan would try to play cool as if nothing has happened and as expected Shravan had sulked and stayed back at his house but tried to act as if nothing bothered him especially infront of Sumo. Although Shravan had initially decided to support Portugal but Sumo's droolworthy Christiano had upset him so much that he all of a sudden switched sides and decided to paint himself blue supporting France. Nobody knows Shravan better than our Sumo so she was sure that Shravan would be supporting France being miffed at her. She in turn had sported the maroon and green colors to show her support to Portugal and marched into the Malhotra's house. Ramnath and his family were astonished to see Sumo in contrasting colors to Shravan's because they knew how both these thought the same, ate the same, even got up and slept at the same timings. Although they were curious to know what happened, but better sense prevailed and they decided to let go for now. Sumo marched in to Shravan's room and was least surprised to see him supporting France and she was not mistaken when she saw the little famous sexy smirk for a moment on his stoic face but it went as soon as it came. With the sulky tone he said "Why are you here Sumo?"On hearing that Suman made a shocked face and said "Of course to watch the finals damn it or were you planning to watch it all alone".
Then the convo went like this:
Shravan: Sumo I don't want to watch the match with you, you go an watch it with Anjali and her friends.
Sumo: No Shravan, without you being there what the point in me going is.
Shravan for a moment felt a flutter as she said this and decided to let his jealousy surface a little and said .
Shravan: Why do you need me anyways, you are just going to sit here and drool here over that Christiano and that you can do at home or with friends
Sumo (stifling a laugh): So what he is worth watching
Finally Shravan gave up tired of arguing just plopped himself on the beanbag and switched on the TV as Suman continued her chatter about how good Ronaldo was. As the game started Shravan's joy knew no bounds when he realized Christiano was injured and not playing, it had been all over the news but in his angst he never noticed them. Sumo could see her plan failing in front of her own eyes and there was a role reversal now with a fuming and sulking Sumo in one corner of the room and Shravan relaxing with a victory smirk adorning his face. Shravan occasionally glanced at a sulking Sumo and could not help but notice her rosy pink lips which seemed to have turned red with her being angry and all he wanted to do was pull her to himself and kiss her senseless. He had this strong urge to find out how her lips would taste and as he imagined plunging into the depths of passion discovering the woman Suman and he felt his member harden. He was himself shocked at his reaction to his childhood friend , his first love. To control his raging hormones he just wanted to be alone away from Suman so he pushed Suman off to the kitchen to get him some strong coffee and snacks as he was feeling hungry. Suman grudgingly agreed and with Suman banished from his room Shravan managed to cool off but his thoughts still wandered off to his object of desire and in a short while she was back with his favorite coffee and some pakoras. Shravan was elated at the sight and picked up a few and stuffed into his mouth and within seconds he was huffing and puffing as his mouth burnt with the chilli that Suman had put in them. He looked around towards Suman who had a smirk on her face and then realization dawned on him that Suman was avenging his incessant teasing about Christiano .His shock was slowly replaced with anger as he charged towards Suman saying "Sumo, you very well know how...cough cough...I cannot have spicy foods ..cough , still did it just for that Christiano...cough cough..he is more important than me...". Suman was no more smiling as she saw the result of her momentary reaction to avenge his teasing. Shravan was pacing across the room, unable to sit as his tongue was dripping, he gobbled some chocolates and sugar and a jug full of water but he still was coughing holding his stomach.
After about half an hour Shravan sat holding his head as he felt a small soft hand and he knew Suman was trying to talk to him but he was angry and did not look back. After a few seconds he heard some soft sound of feet shuffling and opened his eyes to see Suman kneeling down before him holding both her ears and if he was not wrong he saw tears glistening in those beautiful expressive eyes. Shravan could never see Sumo like this and he could see that she was really sorry and he pulled her up and immediately she crashed into his chest mumbling a sorry as Shravan shushed her running his fingers along her silky long tresses, the match long forgotten. After sometime as both of them sat watching the remaining part of the match tucking together into a tub of ice-cream finally Shravan asked "Sumo I thought I knew everything about you but I never knew you were such a big fan of Christiano". Suman smiled finally and revealed the incident which was the cause of all the chaos and Shravan was bewildered with such an extreme reaction from Sumo but he also felt elated about the fact that Sumo was so possessive about him. He pulled her closer to himself and said "Dumbo..with you around do you think I need to look at any other girl, I was just remembering you looking at the girl when you had tried to wear something like this on a school picnic and finally had ended up being embarrassed and I had to bring you all the way back for you to change". Suman's heart skipped a beat when she heard Shravan talking about she being the center of attention for him. As they both smiled at each other and continued watching the match, words unsaid but their heart knew that they had taken one step forward in their relationship.

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