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[alright the real chapter will be up in a while but I just wanna apologise about not updating ngl I was just lazy and then a ton of family shit came up and my phone fucking died (I dropped it while unicycling) and then finally was "asked" to babysit my cousins but now I'm done all of that shit and am ready to write a goddamn foursome scene, so ill be back soon]

*Kenny pov 

butters was much more of a pervert than I thought "so Kenny excited for tonight " butters said with enthusiasm.if butters is this kinky me and him will make a damn good match "as excited as I can be bayyyyybeeeee" I replied "why? so you can fuck kyle?" butters said pouting "ah so that was a test, eh? I won't fuck kyle if you don't want me too" I started trying to make him feel better "I was joking, you can fuck kyle" "don't you ever lie to your daddy or ill have to punish you" I spoke seductively in butters ear "ok daddy" he purred back, god why is he so fucking sexy

 we slowly walked towards butters old house since we were basically sure that both of his parents were gone or ya know.... dead. as we neared the house we heard shouting and then, boom a gunshot. we ran directly to his house where we saw... butters dad, gun in hand firing on the police "d..dddad" butters wimpered "butters we have to go, now" i said with authority we ran straight towards my house, why was butters life so shit, he doesn't deserve any of this 

"butters are you ok?" I asked trying to be soft "yeah yeah I'm fine but god damint why are my parents fucking insane" he began breaking down into tears "shhhhh butters its gonna be alright, you're safe" i said trying to help "k...k~kenny?" "yes butters" "can we leave south park?" he asked trying to dry his tears "anything for you my princess" "oh for gods sake stop he the nick names" butters said the tears gone from his eyes. it would be sad for us to have to leave south park but if it means butters will be safe ill do it

*Kyle pov

"so you signed over our bodies so we could be friends again" i asked stan "well i hoped that we'd end up being a whole lot more but if you're not into it its fine" stan said genuinely.I slowly moved myself till I was sitting on his lap, i leaned into his ear "i have wanted to love you since that time in fifth grade when wendy cheated on you with token" i wispered trying to be sexy "so are you gonna tell me why i had to bottom?" stan asked "ok so remember in senior year of high school when i seemed all rebelious

it was a point in my life where i felt worthless and was desperate for help, since our group had disbanded i was completely helpless so when gulp cartman came offer his help i felt that maybe i could change him and that he wouldn't use me, when he asked me out on a date i just went with it until after dinner i passed and woke up in his bed. he claimed that i got drunk and passed out. my ass hurt like hell but i didn't think anything of it, this happened most times when we went out and i thought that we were truly happy like you and wendy. i got suspicious one day and looked on his phone where i found many pictures of him fucking me, i was mortified, what if my parents found out they'd be furious so i devised a plan when i realised that he had been drugging my food , i would eat all the food then forcefully thow it up to see what would happen, after our date he carried me bridal style home to his house where he tied me up, at that point i broke and shouted about what the hell he thought he was doing, he replied that had i ate my food it wouldn't be this way then I'm sure you can guess what happened next"

*stan pov

jesus christ, now my struggle with wendy seems like childplay "so are we gonna prep you for tonight?" kyle asked seeming fine after telling me about a shit part of his life "with kenny involved we should both be getting prepared but ike isn't gone so we cant do it" i said knowing that i was gonna try fuck kyle tonight "follow me ok " "ok kyle but first can we talk about what we are?" i asked hoping he would feel the same as me "cause kyle i was wondering if maybe you and i could be b....b~boyfriends?" why did i say it so awkwardly.kyle stayed silent answering by bringing me into a kiss, we fought for dominance till i finally came out on top "alright now that that's settled ill grab my stuff from the attic and bring it to you so we can prep each other, alright honey" i don't know what about kyle saying honey was hot but it sure as hell was hot "yea sure ill be in your room, k babe?" 

[ok so I decided to not put smut in here but next chapter will be nearly all smut so yeah hope you guys are enjoying this book, it will end soon enough trust me"]

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why do you do this to him (stlye south park fanfic {smut})Where stories live. Discover now