Chapter 1

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3rd person pov

It's been 3 months every since the night klaus and Caroline made love in the woods Caroline couldn't stop thinking about him his smirk,his dimples,and his sexy British accent.

After she told her friends about what happened she thought they would hate her but they didn't because it was kinda obvious Caroline and klaus had a connection even if she denied it they knew. Tyler had left her for Haley, and Caroline was hurt but she knew that something was going on between them .

After she told her friends they comforted her but she was ok, because deep down she knew she was in love with klaus but she'd never admit that out loud or so she thought.

Caroline's pov
I was on my way to the Salvatore boarding house to meet up with my best friends Elena and bonnie to tell them about how I can't stop thinking about klaus and that I like him , like ALOT.

Once I pull up to the boarding house I was instantly nervous to tell them about how I've been feeling even though i already told them that i slept with him, I told them it was just a one time thing. I finally built up the courage to knock. Damon Salvatore opened the door with his well known smirk. "What's up blondie?" he said stepping aside to let her in she rolled her eyes at the nickname he had given her a while back. "I'm here for Elena and Bonnie." I said to Damon. "Living room." He said pouring himself a glass of bourbon and walking up the stairs .

I walk over to the living room, where I see Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan. Once they noticed I had walked into the living room they all smiled at me. "Hey Care." Bonnie,Elena,and Stefan said simultaneously as I sat next to them on the couch "hey guys." I said with a small smile. "What's wrong?" Stefan asked. "Nothing."I said with a smile,but they knew me to well to fall for that. Bonnie game me a look that says "really". "Ok fine!" I blurt out. "So....?" Elena says.

"I have to tell you guys something, promise me you wont get mad." I say nervously. They nod for me to continue, I look at the floor and start talking "I can't stop thinking about Klaus." I say quietly but not to quiet enough because they heard it. I looked up they look at me and Elena was about to say something but I cut her off, "I know it's wrong because of all the terrible things he done but I just can't stop thinking about him and-"

before I can continue I was cut off by Elena. " I knew it!" She yelled. I looked at her confused . She noticed my confusion and continues "Care it's ok we all know that you and klaus like eachother you have this weird unexplainable connection but when he's around you he's a better person, and if he makes you happy that's all I care about." I look at her with disbelief and I smile.

"I think we all knew care and im with Elena on this one if he makes you happy that's all that matters." Bonnie says I pull them in for a quick hug before Stefan says "I think it was kinda obvious." He says with a chuckle I playfully punch him in the arm. Out of know where Damon was behind saying "Blondie we all knew!" I look at him and say "Shut up!" With a light laugh.

"I have an idea." Stefan say once we all stop laughing. I look at him raising my eyebrows. "How about a road trip to New Orleans?" He says. "That's not a bad Idea I'm in." Bonnie says. "Me too." Elena says, "I guess we are going to New Orleans." I say with a big smile. "What about me?" Damon says , "you can come to." I say.

A/N : ok so I need feed back on this because this is my first story and I want to know if I should continue or not . Positive or negative I just need suggestions or tips or something! 😭

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