The store mix-up

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I had nothing happened to me for 2 years. I meant with the dead not what was happening at school. As you all know I get a lot of shit put on me because of my talent or gift people may call it.I don't think it is a gift at all it is like living a nightmare every day of your life.

I thought it was over 2 years is a long time. Nothing had happened until a week after my 9th birthday.

My mum had told me to go down to the store to get things too make breakfasst  it felt strange walking down that day. There are usually cars and people filling the street but not today there was not a car or person in sight that I could see. I hurried quickly down to the shop, it was a frightening silence I wanted to get out of it soon. I must of been a block away from the store and as I looked up there stood a girl around 4 maybe 5 standing in front of her window, as she stood she just stared as I start to walk again she started to shake her head at me. I looked away and then back again and she was gone.

The store was in sight and I wanted to run but did not want to make it so obvious that I was scared, so it turned into a buissness man speed walk right up to the door of the store. I looked in the window to see no one, I hesitated to go in I wanted to turn back when I did there was the little girl from the window still shaking her head at me. She stopped and looked at me and screamed at the top of her.

"No! No! No!" Rapidly she said over and over again.

I pretended that I could not see her and went into the store anyway, I got the things my mum asked me to and walked up to the paying counter. I waited to be served but there was no one at the counter I waited a little longer to see if someone would come ...... 10 minutes had passed and I got very bored of waiting. I went to see if I could find anyone but there was no one around so I went to the counters. Behind it stood the little girl she was wearing different cloths the last time I had saw her. She wore a little school dress that was white and blue and it had a tare in the back near the sholder blade and she was in knee high socks on with only the one little black buckled shoe.

I taped her to see if she was okay she turned around blood covered her face the dark black holes instead of eyes I can remember like it was yesterday. She looked at me like she felt sympathy and said.

"I told you No! .. But you came anyway.. Why?"

I was going to talk but as I did she looked away in the other direction and screamed once more I faced the direction to see a tall wide man staring down at us.

"Give me her now!" He said in a depression.

I asked if she knew him and she replied to me with.

"Yes he is my daddy.. But don't make me go with him please"

"Your not getting near her" I said while taking her hand and putting her behind me.

As I finished saying that I thought he was just going to leave us aloine but then he pulled out some sort of weapon that looked like a knife but it was not because it was also a gun. The little girl screech in my ear and I held my position I was not going to let him touch her.he sung and I pushed the little girl out the way and told her to.

"Go hide and don't come out until I shout on you okay"

She nodded and ran. The man stood and watch her go. When she was out of sight he looked straight back at me and swung his weapon once more he missed as I rolled out of his way and took a stand on my feet. I grabbed the first thing I seen and picked up and lucky it was something good I had picked up a metal base ball bat. Before I could swing it he knocked me on my side and hit a lot of glass then wacked my head off a sheilf. I saw him slowly walk towards me as my eyes colsed...

A while after I woke up still in the store and head had been bleeding and my legs were cut up from the glass on the floor and the pain hit me like a bullet. I tried to open my eye to an blinding light so I shut them. Once more I tried to open them slower this time and as I did I saw the little girl but she was normal she wasn't well u know dead. The man who claimed to be the dad was on the floor cuft down a police officer neld by his side. I looked out and saw my mums car pull up outside she started shouting and trying to get through.

"Please that's my daughter in there. Let me in to see her"

Then I was getting lifted on a stretcher away to the back of the ambulance and rushed to the hospital. Once again in here I hated the hospital so much because you will know that a lot of people do die in there and not to good to see all them.

Once I had been put into my room and checked over my mum came in to see me. She kept saying I was a hero and I had no idea what she was talking about at the start I could not remember one single thing I had done that day and I has cuts and scratches all over me. Also why did my head hurt so much I put my hand on the back of my head then pulled my hand back to face me and to my surprise my hand had blood triple down my hand.

"Can u remember anything sweety?" My mum asked in a sweet calm voice.

I replied to her.

"No, I can't mum what happened?"

She showed me this video of me that was taking on the security cameras and it looked like I was saving the little girl and me distracting him gave the police time to come and take care of it.

"Your my little hero suger" my mum said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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