Chapter 11

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Does history repeat itself? In Herod's case it certainly seemed so. Herod was on the move again.  This time to the island of Rhodes. It would bring back memories of ship wrecks, ship building and ship sailing. Octavius had defeated Marc Anthony and was now Rome's new Commander in chief. Herod felt he had to pledge allegiance to Octavius, even though the latter knew of his loyal support to his rival ever since he was made Governor of Galilee.

Again Herod gave instructions to have Mariamne killed if anything happened to him. This time the instructions were given to Sohemus, one of the King's guard. Wisely, Herod sent Cypros and Salome to Masada. Mariamne and her mother, Alexandra, under the care of Sohemus, went to one of Herod's other desert fortresses, Alexandrium.

Alexandra, again was the cause of disaster. Meddling in her family's affairs had seen her son drowned. Now she insisted that her father seek protection from the king of Nabataea. Her reasoning was that Hyrcanus II was the last male of the Hasmonean dynasty still alive. Herod intercepted the letters addressed to the Nabataean king and promptly put an end to Hyrcanus's life.

When Herod returned, Mariamne was furious, blaming him for her brother's, and now her grandfather's death. She would not even receive him and shut him out of her boudoir. Herod again, got it all wrong.  Hearing reports, started by his mother and sister that Mariamne had slept with her keeper, Sohemus, Herod thought this was the reason that Mariamne did not want to see him. He ordered the execution of Sohemus and wanted to put Mariamne in jail. His mother and sister insisted that putting the Queen in jail would only bring unwanted attention to life in the palace. So eventually, under much pressure from his family, he ordered his queen to be tried and executed.

Mariamne received this news with her normal inherent dignified calmness. Herod regretted his decision and had to force himself not to recind the execution order, a dozen times a day.

The queen's trial was a farce. Salome made sure nobody voted against the death sentence. Those that might have saved the queen were bribed and warned to vote against the Queen.
On the day of the execution Mariamne's servants dressed her in a black dress and wrapped a black cloak with a hood about her. The last time she wore this outfit was to Aristobulus's funeral. The procession descended the stairs to the inner, more private, courtyard, where only Herod, his family and a few officials were waiting. When Herod saw Mariamne he called her lady-in-waiting to one side and spoke to her in hushed tones so that nobody else could hear. On returning to Mariamne's side she quietly said, "We must go back to your room, my lady."
"Whatever for?" Mariamne asked.
The maid servant answered. "The King has ordered that you change your clothes. You are to wear your most expensive and becoming dress. Also your golden earrings and necklace studded with diamonds. Even your crown must be placed on your head. Your face tones must be enriched with powders and your lips made red. These are the king's instructions.

After the servants had complied with Herod's wishes, the procession, again descended the stairs to the courtyard. This time everyone gasped, even Salome and Cypros. It didn't take much for the queen's beauty and the way she was attired, to take every one's breath away. Salome was wise to hasten the execution and have it done in private. If the proletariat were present they would never have allowed this goddess to be executed.

Alexandra, fearing that Herod might decide to end her life as well, being the queen's mother, raced up the stairs and then walking next to Mariamne, shouted for all to hear as they descended further, "Oh you terrible child, you have sinned against your husband. Woe is me that I should have given birth to a harlot. You disgrace our house, our name is made like mud...." Mariamne, realising what her mother was doing, shook her head and said, "Please mother, be quiet, you belittle yourself. Do you really think that by debasing me with lies you will save your own neck? You don't know my husband very well. Quiet now! Less you make me resent you."
Alexandra stepped to one side and putting her hands to her face, wept bitterly.

Standing serenely before the gathering, the executioner holding his sword at the ready, she showed no fear. She silently prayed to her God. No priest was present to intercede for her. She didn't mind, she knew her Lord was present. Her faith was enough.

Herod approached the executioner. In a low voice he asked, "Is there another way? I do not want her head severed from her body or her clothes soiled with blood."
The executioner replied. "The rope is always at the ready. We can move to the gallows."
Herod thought for a minute, then said, "No, that also will not do. That will leave bruising round the neck. No, that is also unacceptable. Is there no method where the body is not affected.?"
The executioner answered with a smirk on his face. "When I was in the Syrian army, we would kill our enemy without making any sound. We crept up to unsuspecting guards and broke their necks. It leaves no marks. I could employ such a method, if my lord king so wishes."
Herod again thought for a minute, then asked, "If when the neck is broken, does the person retain the expression that is on their face at that instant?"
"Normally it is so, my lord king."
Satisfied, Herod gave his final instructions. "Hold the queen's head at the ready but look at me. When I nod my head, proceed quickly for I want to capture the look on the queen's face at the moment of death."

Mariamne was led to stand in front of the executioner. He clasped her head between his crossed arms. The main official read out the crimes committed and the appropriate punishment. Herod walked up to Mariamne, kissed her on the forehead, and whispered in her ear. "One last request, please smile at me one last time."
Mariamne wanted to turn her head to glare at her husband but it was held in a vice-like grip. Herod went and stood a few paces away facing Mariamne. The executioner watching Herod, waited for the signal. Herod waited for the smile.

Mariamne got tired of glaring at Herod. She was determined not to give him the smile he requested. So she closed her eyes and thought about all the reasons to welcome death. She wouldn't have to listen to the slandrous accusations from Salome and Cypros anymore. She wouldn't be locked in her room, for weeks on end, anymore. She wouldn't be the cause of death for the men who were forced to look after her. The most rewarding reason was that she wouldn't have to face all the times Herod would force himself on her. Especially lately, his body odour had worsend since the illness he had contracted, and had become nearly unbearable. Thinking of these things, Mariamne couldn't help but smile.....!

The people, gathered for the execution, couldn't understand why the executioner stood motionless. Why was nothing happening! They looked about impatiently. Herod watched the queen, the executioner watched Herod. Suddenly Herod started to nod his head violently. Nobody heard the slight crack as the tender neck of the Queen was snapped. The executioner lowered her limp body. Mariamne died with a smile on her face.

Six young virgin maidens, who had been waiting to one side moved forward. They lifted Mariamne's body and carried it up to a small secret chamber Herod had built just off his bedroom. In the middle of the chamber on a stone support rested a marble casket. It was into this, that the maidens laid the body of the queen to rest. Around the edge of the chamber stood dozens of jugs filled with honey. The maidens now poured the honey into the casket. They filled the casket to the top. The body of Mariamne submerged totally under the thick gold liquid. They then closed the lid and on orders of the king drank a glass of wine, supposedly to toast a great and beautiful queen, that had been prepared for them on a table in the corner. They exited the chamber and filed out of Herod's bedroom. Outside 12 soldiers waited and as the maidens came out the room, they were accompanied by the soldiers, again, supposedly to their quarters.
One by one the maidens collapsed on the floor. The soldiers, having been warned this may happen, merely lifted them up and took the bodies to a temporary crematorium outside and proceeded to toss the bodies into the fire.

Herod having eventually resigned himself to the fact that his wife was going to die, put a plan into action that he had thought about for some time. A large casket was placed in the secret chamber leading off his bedroom. 250 litres of honey, in 167 jugs were placed in the chamber. 6 virgin maidens were asked to carry the queen's body up to the chamber. Herod did not want anybody to know that the body was in the chamber and that he had used the honey as an embalming fluid so he poisoned the wine the maidens drank so that they would never divulge his secret. The soldiers were told to dispose of the bodies. They were merely told that the maidens were part of a religious ceremony and their bodies had to be burnt.
Everything had gone according to plan.

Herod excused himself from the gathering saying that he felt fatigued. He went to his bedroom and locked the door. Entering the secret chamber he moved the heavy lid of the casket just enough so that he could see Mariamne's face. He said softly, "Goodbye my queen, goodbye my love."
Mariamne smiled back at him. A sweet smile that would last forever!

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