Chapter Two

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"Dude, have you got everything?" My friend and colleague Jason is driving me to the airport, him and his girlfriend Megan will look after Mason for the next week whilst I am in L.A for the wedding. Their love story is a funny one to say the least, Megan became acquainted with Jason when she needed security equipment installed into her apartment. He became infatuated with her and started following her career. One night Megan got attacked whilst performing in a theatre production, Jason got accused but subsequently released as he had an alibi for the night in question. After the police found the culprit and Megan could finally move on with her life her and Jason became friends and eventually she fell head over heels for him. He is a good guy, a little unorthodox at times, but generally has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. "I'm all set buddy, thank you for looking after Mason for me, I really appreciate it," I say whilst patting him on the shoulder. He shrugs, "No worries, Megan loves babies so for her it's a win-win situation." A text message flashes across my screen from Sam and my heart skips a beat, "This time tomorrow you'll be here! I can't wait to see you, Jude! xx." I can't wait to see her either, all I'm going to want to do is pick her up, hold her in my arms and kiss her. I'll have to hold back for a while though, I can't go in there all guns blazing otherwise I will freak her out. I have no idea what this Toby guy is like, he could have connections to the mafia or be involved with some hit men for all I know and I could find myself with my head in a meat grinder. I do feel slightly guilty that I could potentially break his heart, but what does he know about Sam? They haven't even been together that long. He will get over it and he'll find another gold digger that can occupy his time. I can't keep going over this in my head, I have to get out of here to make my flight on time, "Come on, let's hit the road," Jason says whilst carrying my suitcase for me. I look at my apartment one last time before I go. The memories here are vivid, like it all happened yesterday, I'll have to move out when I get back as there's no way I can continue living in a place that caused me so much pain and misery. God knows how much I miss Mina and our life together, but I have to move on and if that is with Sam then I know I will be happy for the rest of my life.

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