Chapter 5 Family Bond

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It had been nearly two weeks since Schlange and Sinon met up with Kirito and his crew. 

Two weeks since Kyouji was given a second chance.

Two weeks since Kirito and the masked figure met again, face to face, in Gun Gale Online.

The doctors at the asylum decided that Kyouji using the AmuSphere to meet with people and make friends in GGO was a great way of rehabilitation, as he could socialize without being a threat to anyone.

Kyouji had made it to his third dive since he and Shino first talked in the asylum.

*inside Gun Gale*

"How about this?" Schlange called out to Sinon, who had taken him out to shop for some new gear for both of them.

"It’s a bit over the top," said Sinon, looking at her newly caped friend. He looked more like a child’s Jedi OC than a GGO player.

Schlange looked down defeatedly and went back in to try a new outfit. In the meantime, Sinon looked at scopes for her Hecate. She had a good one, but it wasn't as good as the Hecate’s original scope (which, of course, was destroyed when Kirito and her faced off with Death Gun).

"Okay, I think this is the one!" Schlange walked up to his friend, wearing a grey outfit with light armor on his chest, arms, and legs. He also wore a black vest and a belt that went from his left shoulder to the right side of his waist.

"HUH?" Sinon was startled, to say the least, but her gaze calmed when she looked at Schlange. "I think it looks good on you.” She put her hands together and smiled softly, which caused the boy to blush (unbeknownst to her).

"So… weapons, check. Outfit and accessories, check," Sinon listed off as they turned around and walked out of the store. However, something that caught Schlange's eye made him stop right in his tracks.

"What's this?" he asked as he stared at a small counter. It displayed holograms of different popular GGO players, like Musketeer X and Itsuki. A blue haired ArFA-Sys, who looked like the type of girl that Klein would hit on, stood behind said counter.

"Oh, there's that new skill in Gun Gale called cloaking," Sinon started to explain as she walked next to Schlange. "After the third BoB, players started wanting to make stories about the game. kinda like the legend of Death Gun, so the devs added those for those who couldn't afford the equipment of certain players." She opened up the ArFA-Sys’ menu, which revealed that Death Gun and Kirito were amongst the list.

"At first, people just wanted to make fanfiction or creepypastas, but it became a favorite amongst the devs and now there are contests for it," she continued as she scrolled through the characters in the window.

"Isn't that cheating, though? I mean, you gain the equipment of any player in the game," Schlange asked, which caused Sinon to hold up her hand as to stop him.

"The weapons only do damage in specific studios across the map made for this kind of stuff. If I were to shoot you with my cloaked version's Hecate, it would feel more like a soft poke than a bullet from the game's top sniper," Sinon said, revealing that she was also in the list of available cloaking forms. Schlange went to look through the rest of the list, but Sinon dragged him out of the store before he could. 

"Come on, you’re wasting time. We’re going to be late," Sinon said with a slightly more aggressive tone. Schlange was left confused as Sinon dragged him to the teleporters.

"Late for what?" Schlange asked.

"Why, your training, of course. We need to put some levels on that avatar of yours," Sinon said, shoving him into the active teleporter

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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