Chapter 11: Spinach*

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"Steal ya heart then dissolve it, baby
I don't wanna meet ya mom and father baby
Because we ain't goin' no farther baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a crook baby, I'm a robber baby
I don't wanna meet ya father baby" Heartbreak hotel by Rod Wave

Chapter Eleven

"That's the most you said all in one breath," she said while removing her shoes

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"That's the most you said all in one breath," she said while removing her shoes. She jumped back onto my bed and moved around to her comfortable.

I smiled before getting into bed with her. We didn't say anything and the only thing that could be heard was the tv.

All of a sudden I heard muffled yelling. I looked to see if she also heard it and wasn't disappointed when he was also looking at me.

Time jumped up and made her way to the door. "Who was that?" she asked looking back at me. I shrugged and got up and we made our way downstairs. We walked downstairs to see Sylar sitting on the couch and her brother pacing.

"What's going on Dominic?" Tiny asked, grabbing their attention. Dominic let out a shriek and ran to her. "I thought you were kidnapped," he said while holding her tightly.

She looked confused but patted his back anyway. "Why?"

"Because you never leave the house. You're always at home and I didn't see you there" he said.

I looked away from them and walked over to my brother that was lounging on the couch.

"Y-You're an idiot," I said blankly, remembering the condom fiasco. He looked confused, "What are you talking about?"

I glared at him and looked towards Tiny and her brother. I don't know why he's acting clueless.

"Oh you're talking about the condoms," he said laughing slightly.

"It's n-not fun-funny," I said turning towards him. "Y-You p-play to-too m-much."

"Loosen up Brosky," he said patting my back. "What happened?" he asked once he noticed I wasn't in the mood.

I didn't feel like talking anymore so I ignored him.

"We are going to go home. I hope I could see you again sometime" she said while walking away from her brother.

I nodded with a small smile and started to get up and walked her to the door.


"Hey," I said sitting next to him at the cafeteria table.

He nodded in response while giving me a small smile. Then he turned his attention back towards the table and continued to pick at his nails.

I looked around, wondering where Sylar was, but I didn't voice my thoughts. "How's your day?" He nodded. "Good that's good. My day was alright could have been better" I said shrugging.

My day wasn't bad per se it was just boring. Nothing good happened today and I couldn't see My Munchkin up until now, so that kind of sucked.

I started to tap on the table, anxious, it was something about him that made me so nervous. Even though he didn't say much, just being around him made me self-conscious. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Feeling his hand cover mine made me stop my nervous tapping and look at him. He sent me a small smile while shaking his head. He looked away from me but he didn't remove his hand. I gripped his head securely while studying his relaxed form.

In the last few days that I have spent with him, I have realized that he doesn't like talking very much. At first, I thought it was because he was shy but now I realized he hated his stutter. Every time he would stutter I could see how discouraged he would get.

Now and then he would ramble about something he found interesting but it never lasts and he always ends up in a bad mood. It would be a look of realization before he shuts down completely, but I didn't let that bother me. I hate when people talk too much, and besides, if need be I would do enough talking for the both of us.

Looking down at the hand that dwarfed mine I couldn't help but trace the many veins that they had. I couldn't believe someone this big was so delicate, but at the same time, I could believe it. He was the perfect example of not judging things by the cover. That brute strength does not correlate to having a strong mind.

Another thing I've noticed is that he's insecure about his height, he gets annoyed with all of the attention it brings and how he can't do 'normal' things because of his height. He never told me any of this but it's just one of the many things I have noticed about him.

I love his height though, I can't help but imagine us cuddling further down the line, his body completely encasing mine.

I love his voice too, with the few times I have heard it, it's very deep but not overly deep. I love his hair also, even though I'm never that close to it and rarely see it I still love it. Most of the time he has his hair under his hoodie and or beanie was another thing I realized during the time I spent with him.

The things he hates turned out to be my favorite things about him. I couldn't wait till we grew close and he would get more comfortable with me.

If he wants to of course, but he would want to, right? I stopped tracing the veins on his arms suddenly feeling sad, what if I had it wrong and he really didn't want to talk to me?

A clearing of a throat broke me away from the start of some negative thoughts. I looked at him waiting for him to talk since it looked like he had something to say.

"Y-You look r-real-really p-pretty to-to-today." He stuttered out with a deep, red blush covering his face.

"Aww thank you," I exclaimed. "You look handsome as always hot- stuff" leaning into him more than usual I looked into his gorgeous eyes.

It was true he did, but I could have been biased but he looked good enough to eat, and unfortunately for him, I was low-key starving.


Published August 29, 2020
Final edit

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