Act 5: The Nightmare

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as I turn around in Terror,sweat all over me I can feel my throat Iching and going dry,my body starts to tremble as I saw her the woman..she had mouths instead of her eyes and long black hair..a long cut neck and long arms she was staring at me and I felt captivated as her mouth eyes started to turn into a void..I can feel myself going under...I was being I tried to struggle I can feel her getting closer..her face started to morph into something terrifying..I can here screams again..I need to fight it I need to do something..I struggled more and more..the more I fight the more I feel she gain control over my mind and my body..I started losing my vision,my hearing,my mind...I was going under and into the void.."Can anyone save me?can anyone respond?"I thought to myself... suddenly a beam of light appears..a girl running towards me  shouting my name as if she knew me..she kept getting closer as I raise my arm towards her..her light grew bigger and bigger as if my need for her made her stronger and she grew closer,my body reached it limits..I can't fight the void has my mind now...*LOUD NOISE*"AGHH" breathing heavily my bed is full of sweat my shirt is soaking wet,"what!!was all that a dream?!it can't be" i said to myself..I quickly got up ..turned to light on and checked the camera to see if I was dreaming or I was looking through the video the footage was corrupted.."that's convenient"why am I even here ..I'm tired of all of my head started to BAM BAM BAM BAM.."is that an animal?why is it running around through the dark??wait that light it's a door why is there a door there??watch out your gonna hit the door"as I heard a loud BANG outside my door...

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