- 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 -

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[august 6, club activity]

"um excuse me," the boy's volleyball club was not expecting anyone so it was natural that everyone turned to the voice " I need to give these towels to your coach"  she was wearing a girls volleyball shirt but none of them have ever seen her around given that the girl's gym was right across from them.

" well he's not here right now so you can hand them to me, Nobuyuki kai" kai got out of the court and made his way to the gym entrance to help you out. Still, everyone was staring your way as if they've never seen a girl before and honestly it was kind of awkward for the girl to have all eyes on her, so she did her best to look everywhere but the group of boys in the middle of practice. She hated being the center of attention.

Kai tried his best to not make her uncomfortable while trying to awkwardly grab the towels stacked on her hand. After he had grabbed them from her he gave a thank you, she murmured a quiet you're welcome before dashing her way back to, what they assumed, they girls gym. The whole gym was still in silence, not as to say surprised that a girl came to give them towels out of nowhere, but the fact that they've never seen her anywhere before. All except yaku looked surprised and kuroo was quick to notice.

" Are we gonna get back to practice or?" that's when the whole gym lost it. Yamamoto basically begging him her name and if it was her girlfriend, the first years asking for her name as well. The rest just kept to themselves for a while kuroo pondered of probably every scenario where yaku could've knows here. If kuroo was being honest, she kinda resembled kenmas personality, but he was gonna save it for after practice.
"relax you freaks of nature shes not my girlfriend I know her threw a mutual friend!" yaku finally calmed down the crowd, Yamamoto sighing in relieve "and I will not be saying her name in danger of her safety, god knows what kind of background search you guys would do if I did"

"Alright everyone back to your places! we're still not done practicing serves"

and with that everyone complained but did as they were told

[ after practice, club room ]

"so who's the mutual friend?" it was just the third years now, he had to make sure everyone left before he asked. Yaku knew this was coming and honestly, it was too soon for his and her sake

" karasunos libero was telling me after our practice how a friend of his was moving here, something about her also being in the volleyball club and how he trusted me with her, whatever that meant." a few minutes went by of them changing in silence
"so what's her name?"
"kuroo don't get too invasive now" kai warned while finishing up

"well if she's gonna go to school with us I don't see a problem with me asking a fellow volleyball player name" they went back and forth like that for a few more seconds. Kuroo trying to reason why it was important to know her name and Kai explaining how he doesn't need a record of every student here.

"it's l/n y/n, she's a second-year" yakus temper was already running short because of lev so and he didn't need ugly hair making it shorter. kai sighed in defeat, kuroo obviously cocky he won this round but he still didn't have enough to satisfy him. "why didn't you want to tell us by the way?" well if he was already in a noisy mood he might as well feed him more

" Well firstly, if you wanted to know you should've asked her yourself.  secondly, karasunos libero was telling me she's not much of a people person, so it was actually kinda a good idea I told you first" yaku picked up his bag ready to make his way out "so if you're gonna bother her make it a good reason, goodnight see you tomorrow!" they both answered back a quick goodnight then it was just them tidying up the club room a bit.

"Why do you wanna know so bad" kai broke the silence, in the back of his head he kinda knew the answer. Kuroo has a thing for turning the calm into the storm, like cat causing chaos after he was told not to. He means well, most of the time.
"what? can't I just be aquatinted with another volleyball player, I mean we could share tips and stuff" kai wasn't buying it "you can be honest with me you know"

kuroo took one last look at the club room before heading out "she reminds me of kenma" that was the answer he didn't want, his weird fixation of adopting introverts and trying to turn them into him. It was different with him and kenma, kuroo understood his boundaries and so did kenma. But this was a whole new person that he'd only seen for about 3 minutes.

After no answer back from kai, he left "Goodnight Kai, please lock up for me" he answered back and once he was out the door he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he wasn't scared but worried. Maybe it's not too late to get yaku to break his knees.

a/n: ahh sorry if this is messy and confusing I swear ill clear things up next chap

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a/n: ahh sorry if this is messy and confusing I swear ill clear things up next chap

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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𝐧𝐨·𝐛𝐨𝐝·𝐲; kuroo tetsurōWhere stories live. Discover now