Chapter - 5

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Everyone was astonished seeing her bravery. Harika filed a complaint against the seniors who crossed their limits in the name of ragging. Everyone supported her and the management suspended the girls for next three months. Varsha appreciated her for her brave act.

Days passed peacefully after that. Their results were out and as expected Harika topped all the subjects. Her mom used to call her everyday and she was happy hearing about her progress in studies.

"Harika! Why don't you come here for vacation?" Her mom asked. "No mom, I don't have a long leave and I need to practice in this holidays. It would be better if you come here. It's been a long time right mom, why don't you come here?" She asked eagerly.

"No dear, now I can't come there leaving my responsibilities. I promise you, I will visit there once you complete your graduation" she replied. "Ok mom! Even Ruby aunty wishes to see you" she added. "Ok dear. Don't worry, next year I'll be there" she replied with assurance. Harika felt happy hearing her reply.

That was her final year. She became more mature in those three years. She dedicated her entire time in her studies and practical. She planned to complete her master degree and treat the poor people. She had many dreams about her future. She wished to dedicate her life for the social activities.

"Hey Harika! We are going for a madical camp this weekend, just now I got a mail from our Deen" Varsha exclaimed. "Really! I'm very much excited about that Varsha. Everytime I wishes to serve the poor and needy" Harika replied. Varsha smiled and both packed their belongings.

The day came and they left for the nearby village to treat the poor people. Harika dedicated herself to serve the needy. She helped them wholeheartedly. They stayed there for a week and that was their last day.

"Harika have you packed your luggage?" Varsha asked with a smile. "Yeah! But I don't want to leave this place so early" Harika replied sadly. "Ok don't worry! once after completing your studies, you start your own hospital hear and serve these people" Varsha said. "Of course I'll do that and that was my long time dream" Harika replied and resumed her work.

"Varsha! Latha was searching you" one of her friends informed and Varsha rushed out to meet her. "Harika! I heard someone is in emergency. Could you help them?" Her senior asked her and Harika was confused. "What emergency? Whom should I help?" Harika replied with same annoyance.

"Yesterday you treated a child right? Now she's not well and she need immediate treatment" she said and that turned Harika more anxious. "I'll go there immediately" she replied and rushed out with her medicinal kit. The girl had a evil smirk on her face.

She called someone and informed that she implemented her plan successfully. Harika walked for a long distance but she couldn't find anyone in that place. That was a village located in the middle of a forest and their camp was little far from the village.

After some point of time, Harika turned nervous. Everywhere she turned, she found darkness which scared her to the core. She felt her breathing was uneven too because of the heavy mist. She couldn't find anything and she stood there freezed not having any idea to move from that place.

She shivered in cold and weird sounds from the forest made her more nervous. with a sense of foreboding she took her next step and got hit by the tree, her hands started shivering, she chanted some prayers and closed her eyes tightly when she heard a loud noise of an animal and she was not sure whether it's an animal or any other weird creature in that forest.

When she was in deep thought, a strong arm touched her shoulder which made her jump in fear. "Who's that?" She asked with a shaking voice.

"Relax! I'm a human too" she heard a well-modulated manly voice. He switched on his mobile flash, she raised her eyes and her eyes captured his chiselled face. His deep brown eyes bored into her black one.

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