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Tae and Jungkook have been asleep for two hours, enjoying the body heat under the warm blankets. They were snuggled up and sound asleep. I doubt they would wake up if the window broke.

Group chat:

Chim: "You guys seen Tae or Kook at all today?"

Joonie: "No. I haven't seen any of you all day."

Chim: "I'm at a cafe with Yoongi."

Hobi: "What are they up to this time?!"

Jin sat curled up next to Namjoon and smiled at the small talk in the group chat. They really thought Namjoon could make it a day without Jin's snuggles? No way.

WWH: "Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun! I'm glad."

Chim: "Ughh! You're not our mom, hyung."

Rock: "Nanun Ugh!"

Joonie: "What??"

Rock: "Nothing.."

WWH: "I know.. I'm just proud of you for being so responsible!"

Chim: "Jin.."

WWH: "Alright, alright.."

Hobi: "I'll visit Kookie to see what he's up to."

Chim: "Alright. Thanks, hyung! Maybe even bring him and we can all meet at Namjoons house?"

WWH: "I'll check on Tae."

Hobi: "No need! They live super close! I can practically walk to Tae's house from Kook's."

WWH: "Alright. Good luck!!"


Hobi hobbled his way out of the house, in a hurry for no reason at all. He twisted his keys on his finger as he walked to the car. He was cutely dancing to himself when he opened the door. He started driving to the youngest's house with a smile on his face as he listened to music.

Once he finally arrived, he scanned the front of the house from his car. All the curtains were closed and his lights were off. The entire house seemed asleep, but the weird thing was..

Tae's car was there?

I mean, yeah they're able to visit each other, but in complete darkness? Maybe they were watching a movie, but that doesn't give them the right to ignore their friends, right?! Hobi flattened his smile into a derp face, making his dimples appear.

He got out of his car and made his way to the front door. He rang the doorbell and listened carefully. There was no noise at all. He was impatient and decided to just call Jungkook. He leaned in and put his ear against the door. He heard Kookie's phone from the living room and gave up. He grabbed the handle and twisted it, not thinking it would open up. It did.

He mischievously smiled as he slipped in through the door and quietly closed it. He looked around and saw Jungkook and Tae's things scattered on the floor. Tae's keys and phone was on the coffee table next to the door with the missing notifications and everything.

He walked to the couch and saw Kook's phone on the floor. He saw their clothes everywhere and his eyes lit up with realization..

No. Way.

He went back to the front door and snapped a picture of it.

Group chat:

Hobi: *image*

Hobi: "I don't have the balls to check his room."

Joonie: "Why does it look like it came straight from a fan fiction?"

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