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The next morning Richtofen again was the first to wake up, slowly behind Nikolai woke up next going through a major hang over and sticky face of stained vodka.

Looking away from the window Richtofen could see Nikolai stand up hunched on his side holding his hand on his raging head. "Agh—"

"Guten Tag, Nikolai" he says walking over

"What the fuck happened?" Nikolai groaned oblivious of the celebration party the night before.

"You got black out wasted my friend, you're covered in your own guilty pleasure" Richtofen smiled patting his shoulder "zat is all." 

"Son of a bitch" Nikolai lightly growled "I need water then..." he turned his head walking away from the kitchen, lighting bumping into Love along away "sorry-"

"It's okay.." she muttered as they parted ways, she walked into the kitchen scratching the back of her head. "Morning"

"Guten morgen" Richtofen nods looking down at the Kronorium

"What morgen—" she rose her eyebrow leaning against the kitchen counter, Richtofen couldn't help but quietly chuckle

"guten morgen...German for good morning" he explained, she was interested in his other language. She wanted to speak German, since English was her only language. It would be nice to learn other languages when there's nothing else to do in the life they're living in at the moment.

"You're german.."


"You speak other language not only English"


"Could you teach me German? English is a boring language.." she hugged herself whiffing her hair from her eyes, Richtofen laughed quietly again.

"Well...I don't see why not" he shrugged setting the Kronorium down "do you know any German words?"

".....nein" she said quietly, knowing she would get a certain look of annoyance from him. Seeing she was right she couldn't help but hold back laughter seeing him make the look of, of course she knew that word and only that word.

"I'm going to pretend I did not hear that—" he goes standing up walking over to her with his arms crossed "guten tag, Frauline  Hannah. Meaning good day miss Hannah"

"Guten tag Frauline Hannah.."

"Mhm, but towards me you'd say guten tag herr Richtofen. Though I'd much rather be called doctah"

"guten tag herr doctah"

"Haha I like that better, Sehr gut, very good"

"Sehr gut" Love smiles, talking a few words in a new English was so cool to her. "I heard you say..bitte?"

"Bitte means please" he nods "sehr gut, frauline Hannah"

She wanted to respond something, but she didn't know a proper response in German. "Thank-"

"Ah ah ah" he interrupted her "you'd say danke doctah"

"Ahhh danke, doctah"

"Sehr gut, this is very enjoyable" Richtofen goes walking away "you're a fast learner, faster of a learner than Takeo. That's talent. Did you have good grades in school?"

"Uhhhhh—I don't remember" she shrugged "it's been so long"

"I understand, our poor dumb Dempsey does not deserve you frauline-"

"What?" She rose her eyebrows confused, Richtofen laughed.

"Never mind zat, I have vork I need to do in peace if you don't mind frauline." He picked up his book then looking at her with a smile before he walked out the front door.

• • •

"What are you doing Love?" Spoke the voice of a male figure, wearing a black cloak covering his identity. He seemed to know her from somewhere. They could have been close at one point.

He watched her interact with the enemy, Dr. Edward Richtofen, through a crystal ball in a dark room. "I know you can hear me. I know you feel alone, don't worry, I know where and who you really are. We'll be together soon."

The man watched the confused girl put her hand on her head as if she got a sudden sinus headache from his voice in her head. "You don't talk about me, huh? You're so sweet. Let's keep it that way okay?"

"Stop...it's not real it's not real- I'm just tired." Love tried to assure herself through having a raging headache. Only making the man chuckle under his breath.

"That's fine, Love. Keep thinking that, until we meet again"

• • •

Later that evening Love, Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo was having tea in the kitchen when Richtofen walked in sitting the Kronorium on the table making the glasses jump. "Common man!" Nikolai growled

"guten tag, frauline Hannah" Richtofen ignored his Russian friend looking at her, hoping she'd remember what he taught her.

"guten tag, herr doctah" she smiled with a nod, Richtofen had done the same very impressed.

"Uhhh that's not happening" both Dempsey and Nikolai both stood up "no more german talking! There's already like 30 Richtofen's in this fucking universe"

Richtofen laughed "oh Dempsey, do not vorry, Frauline Hannah just wanted me to teach her German, English language is getting stale. We know she's not for you but we accept it" he pat Dempsey's shoulder.

"We do not mess with people's feelings, Richtofen" Takeo stood up in defense of his friend, always being the wise one. "If you had a good soul you'd feel the same way"

"Takeo...Takeo...Takeo...I am the nice Richtofen out of all the ones you've met." He chuckled "you gentlemen are still tired it seems."

"How many Richtofen's are there? Also why am I always associated with soldier boy in such a way when we're in the same room?" Love rose her eyebrow, Dempsey shook his head looking away hiding his blush.

"Because these assholes thinks it's fucking hilarious to embarrass me" Dempsey growled

"Ha ha ha nothing but love comrade" Nikolai chuckled patting his shoulder as well as hers at the same time.

"I've done nothing to embarrass you Dempsey" Takeo glared

"I didn't say you did Tak..." Dempsey sighed

"Anyvays lady and gentleman, we have a new mission. We leave in the morning, questions?" Before anyone could speak up he says "no questions? Wúnderbar, rest up good everyone."

I Got A Story Book Of My Own • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now