05| Can We Be Friends?

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Drukh-You are late!

Max-Sorry,I met that girl.

Drukh-Which girl?
(Max tell her everything about last night)

Drukh-What!What was the name you said?

Max-Zehra,Zehra Calvin.

Drukh-Maybe, I know her.

Max-Know her?

Drukh-Yeah..I kn....

(zehra comes)

Zehra-Hey,Drukh.Do you see Evie?Im looking for her.But,she is not in the class.

Drukh-Oh,Well.Yeah,I saw her going to the Canteen.

Zehra-You there?

Max-Yeah,So,Drukh.she is your friend?

Drukh-I told you about her you forgot.

Zehra-He is your friend?

Drukh-Yeah,we met 4 years ago.He is in this university.We both are in same year.

Evie-Hey,Zehra.Look what i found!

Zehra-What Evie?Oh,my Favourite!Chocolate!

Evie-Yeah,it's for you and I'm sorry that I slept last night.

Max-Oh,Youre Evie?

Evie-Yes,But,how could you know my name?

Max-Drukh told me.He was feeling guilty for wh..

Drukh-Keep shut your mouth!

Max-Okay.So,Miss Zebra,I mean Z E H R A!
you're drukh friend. so,Also mine.let's go out after class.

Zehra-No,I'm not.We are late for class.Let's go Evie.


(Zehra and Evie looked back)

Zehra-Drukh,we are already friend.

(Drukh looked at Evie)
Drukh-No,I mean, Max want to be your friend. So,We 4 can be friend of each other.Right Max?

Max-( Yes,Now everything is I wanted)
( Silenty.)
Yeah,Right dude!


(All looked at her)

Evie-Okay.we are friend. But,


Evie-You have to behave poility to me.


Zehra-Okay.We are going for the class.We both also?

Max-Yeah,Let's go Drukh.


(Eive and Zehra left)


Evie-(Is it well to be friend of this monster? But,it looks like he want to be friend of mine.No,no. What I'm thinking!Yeah,Maybe it's good.)
( Silenty.)

Zehra-Hey,What are you thinking about?

Evie-oh,I'm thinking that Max is really cool.and also looks like superhero.Ha ha.

Zehra-No.It's not like that.Rios is too much talkative.

Evie-Rios?Oh Dear!Rios Huh!?

Zehra-oh,Max.I forget. Slip of tongue.

Evie-Yea,yea..Slip of tongue!(Smilingly)

Zehra-Yeah...Now stop smiling.


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