Chapter 14 - Lee Joon

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"Your Majesty, a terrible incident has happened in our Kingdom." The Minister wiped his sweat away with a handkerchief and he looked very worried. Deadly worried.

"What is it about?" Jimin kept signing some documents; not looking at him.

He stuttered, "I-I'm afraid a prisoner has escaped last night."

"Get the FBI on it and find out about his last location." Jimin put the documents aside and took a glass of water.

"A-aniyo, don't understand.." The Minister hesitated first.

Then he said looking very worried, "HE has escaped."

Jimin finally looked at The Minister, "Who?"

The Minister gulped down his throat and removed his glasses.

"L-lee Joon...."

Jimin's eyes widened. For a minute, he couldn't actually figure out anything. Memories filled with anger were flashing in front of his eyes. He tightened his grips.

"He....I don't know..... The Commissioner informed me this morning he escaped. They are trying to find him everywhere." The Minister informed.

Jimin stood up from his chair. He ran his fingers through his hair, breathing heavily. H-he's back!

"Spread the words around the whole Kingdom. Anyone sees him, report directly. And put the the castle under tight security. Especially The Queen's room." saying he began running out of the room.

"But My Lord! The Queen doesn't know anything."

Jimin looked at him, "I'll take care of it. Just do as I say."

Jimin ran through the halls to their bedroom. He has to protect her. He has to protect his wife before he gets her!

He opened the door. Myeong Jo was just sitting on her comfy chair and reading a book. She looked at him and smiled.

Jimin closed the door and suddenly hugged her. Which made her really surprised.

Jimin's mind had only one thing. That is to protect her. If she.........if anything happens to her....he'll not make it. He has to keep Myeong Jo safe from that bastard.

"Jimin? Khensana?" she asked.

Jimin let her go and made her sit down on their bed. He sat beside her and took her hands in his. Myeong Jo was getting way more curious by his each action.

"Is something wrong?"

Jimin gulped down his throat, "Myeong Jo-ah.......there's something you must know."

She raised her eyebrows a bit. Confused about his words.

"About what?"

Jimin took a deep breath and slowly rubbed his thumb over her soft hands.


"Who's calling you so much?" Jimin out of curiosity asked his newly wedded wife who's been getting countless calls on her phone and she's not picking any of it.

"It's nothing." Myeong Jo put the phone on silent mode.

(A/N : This is the Real Wife. The girl who is actually the Queen and His Wife.)

"Really? It's been more than 6 months we've been together. I can sense when you are lying." he said.

Myeong Jo looked really nervous now. Of course she wouldn't want him to know about this matter.

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