Neighbor Angel

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A/N: This is very very long.  This is 4000+ words this is my longest one shot yet. 

BTW Y/C = Your city 

After hours of driving, I was finally in front of the vacant home. I use my new keys to open the front door of the house then I get the boxes from the back of the pick up truck. I began to stack the boxes in the empty living room. I packed light for my new life in the small town, I wanted to start over from a clean slate. I couldnt help the feeling I was being watched, I wasnt the only one outside doing work. A group of guys who were making noise and talking loudly while toying with a motorcycle were not far away. In fact, they were right next door. I hope they wont be trouble, im not dealing with rowdy hooligans who do nothing but cause trouble.

"Hey, do you need help?" One of them ask.

He was really tall, im standing on top of the bed of the pick up and his head is where my waist is. I could pat him on the head right now but if I was on the ground I would bet I would have to stretch to reach him. He had thick black hair that was combed back like he spends time making sure hes groomed. He had a nice thick beard and a leather jacket. Well it wasnt a jacket cause it didn't have sleeves, i guess you would call it a vest. Im not going to lie, he was hot.

"No, thank you."

Just because hes hot doesnt mean im stupid. A random stranger asking to handle my stuff? Im a single woman alone in a new town, I need to be smart and protect myself.

"Are you sure? That shit looks heavy."

"I can handle it."

"Alright." He backs away a bit as I jump off the truck. "Im Angel by the way."

"That's your real name?"


"Im Y/N."

"Pretty name."

I didnt pay him any mind. Trying to flirt with the new girl? How cliche. I wonder if he does this to all the women in the neighborhood or im the lucky one because I dont have a partner or children so he thinks he has the green light. I lifted the heavy box I filled with clothes and nearly fall over. I let go of the box so I dont end up face first on the ground.

"You ok?" Angel asks.

"Yeah." I say as I hang on to the truck so I can stand up straight.

Angel picks up the box and takes it indoors.When Angel comes out the house, I confront him.

"Excuse me, I didnt give you permission to be inside my home."

"Oh, sorry, you look liked you needed help."

"Yeah, I think I have things handled here. Thank you."

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